James Casey

The Indifferent Hat

Yes, well, it's all a bit strange, isn't it? We were young, we were foolish, we ate too many melons. I can remember when we were actively rivalling Wikipedia - that's a battle long lost, though we always had the potential to be something more. I guess the internet did catch up with what we wanted to do, but by the time it had, the power seemed to have gone out of the engines. I haven't been here actively for years, but it seemed important to come back and claim a cabin as the ship breaks out of orbit for the first time in a decade and sets forth again. And you know what? It feels right to be out there again, unfettered.

Buggered if I can remember GuideML though.

To Did List

By which I mean things I really, really was going to finish but then didn't and now might not. Anyway, they were:

  • The Bible (still far from happy with the 'official' version, which I note has in my absence been renamed 'The Bible: A Perspective').
  • Do some stuff regarding places I've been to, or things I now know more about. The sort of stuff the Guide is - to me - really about; raw information. I might, you know, actually do this. I really liked the idea of hand-held devices that could reference the Guide. And now of course this is not only possible but no longer even surprising. There's got to be an h2g2 app.


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James Casey

Researcher U37977

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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