


I expect you are wondering who I am? (My old space)
I am Taamyu. My friends sometimes call my nickname, but "C'est un Secret"smiley - laugh
I am a middle aged Japanese lady, Living in Osaka which is the second largest, but busiest, city in Japan yet still the most beautiful and happiest city.
I have spent a lot of time over in England and love a lot of things about the country such as London, York(Haworth), Exeter and lots of other fascinating places I visited.

At Paddington station
who is on the Bus

I like: music (Queen, David Bowie, Kate Bush, Duran duran, Morrisey and Depeche mode, to name a few), English Authors such as Emily Bronte, Peter Pan in Kensington gardens, Isobella Adjani (French Actress), watching sports, films and some tradidional Japanese entertainment such as: Noh/Kyogen, (Kansai) Rakugo and Gagaku (traditional Japanese Classic music), etc.

A woman wearing a bowler hat, silhouetted against a bright light.

A hackney cab

I dislike: very Hot weather, liars and hypocrites (guess that rules out polititions..lol)

I am always pleased to speak with anyone nice.
Please feel free to drop in anytime for a chat.

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