

First let me tell you where I come from. I'm from a small speck of a town, in the coldest and most remote place in the civilized world and still be considered in it. It's call Yellowknife, in the Northwest Territories. I probably wouldn't mind the damn place so much if i could get out of town at least 4 times a year. Unfortunately it is dreadfully expensive to get out. A plane ticket to edmonton alone could very well run you up like $800 for a return fare.(and i seriously think thats an understatment) So leaving is out of the question. I've lived here all my life(22 years and 3 months) and it is rather boring. Not only that, we only get 3-4 months of summer (june-sept) and the rest is winter with the idea that fall would come but winter just decided to forget all the seasonal cycles and make up his own. The worst though is the cold. Some days the temprature will drop to -60 then you add wind chill and it will probably drop another 10-15 degrees so in total with windchill you have a freezing tempurature of -75 degrees celsius.(no word of a lie here. I actually kinda wish i was making this up because then i wouldn't be so miserable right now) So thats Yellowknife, the winters are too long and too cold and the summers are to short. The only thing I can say in defense to my home town is this: In the Summer we have almost 24 hour a day light. I mean the sun is up pretty much all the time all summer. Land of the midnight sun. Its really cool to see if you get the chance but if you like darkness to go sleep then good luck cause there is none. Well maybe thats a little to extreme. You do get used to it but it does screw with you a bit. Anyways I really don't want to get into the social issues in the town cause its a little to hard to explain even for someone who was born here.


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