Introduction to Strontium Dog

The transgender symbol Ok so those of you who are as old as I am will recognise the name, and surmise that I am or was an early 2000AD fan. I'd better come clean on all my fascinations. I have a quite pronounced liking for cult themes, H2G2 (Radio Series 1+2)+Books(125)+Scripts+Record, all different just to confuse us, being of course one. ST (Original) + TNG+DS9+V+Enterprise sould be mentioned quickly just to get them out of the way. Dr Who (Weeeeee new series Yippee!!!!!) Dune- Books mostly but film and TV series too. Philip K Dick, Do androids dream of electric sheep, etc (Why must movie makers always change the titles of his books) Blade runner was a good film though. Total recall was ok ish maybe but Arnie was not the right choice for Quade. Bab 5, Ray Bradbury, Asimov Harry Harrison (Who I have met)( Er You may have noticed the science fiction theme by now.)

Well I won't go on too much except to say that the lord of the rings is the best book ever written bar non and it is only just and fitting that it keeps winning all the competitions it gets entered into. I dont care what all the intulectual literary minds say, about the long turgid nit picking epistles on the painful realities of existance that they think are novels and appear to approve of; promoting them heavily on degree courses on english literature, the students of which I suspect are the only people that ever buy them. Literature should never be too hard to read but should effortlessly stretch the mind without it ever being aware that it has been tested.

More seriously; I also have a fascination with human beings as well, how why and where they do what they do where they do it and who they do it with. Or put another way I am interested in Systemics, psychology, sociology, history, geography, anthropology and psychodynamics. I know it sounds Boring but really it isn't, humans ar without doubt the most fascinating creatures on the planet and the things that they get up to never ceases to amaze me.

I have a history of course, I have been all of the following at one time or another: Dry stone Waller, supermarket shelf filler, itinerant musician, nursing home care assistant, Trainee Persian rug dealer and repairer, Unemployed, self employed, revolutionary, anarchist, Student and completely out of my skull on more than one occasion (I'm a good boy now though)

If you got this far; I now have a responsible job and worry about all the things that you might imagine a 21st century citizen to worry about I go home to my wife and daughter in the evening and during the day in my own small way I try to make the world a better place. I hope that this gives you at least an impression of what I am Like.

Ps I'm Dyslexic so excuse any odd spellings you might encounter I'll use word to correct them eventually.

Strontium Dog 25/02/04 14:08 pm.


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