Some kind of human...

Greetings, fellow Hikers,

It's me, just Midnight. You've obviously stumbled here by mistake, so if that's the case I'd suggest you turn back now. Hang on, don't go just yet because there might be something life-changing and revolutionary that I have to say. Unlikely. But anyway *coughcough*
A little bit about myself seems appropriate here: I'm fifteen years old, female with blonde/brown hair that can't make up its mind and green eyes. I like my eyes... biggrin. I'm Aussie, living in Melbourne at the moment where I'm at a boarding school. If I say anything more the authorities will know where to find me, so I just won't.

Anyway, in true HitchHiker form, following my buddies Ford and 42 I'm just going to be boring and list a whole heap of stuff I like and stuff I have some kind of particular adverison to. Ahem. Here I go:


1. Pizza.
2. Computers, especially Macs which are the BEST COMPUTERS IN THE WORLD! OSX RULES! (okay, that's my techno junkie stuff out of the way for now)
3. Rock music - all kinds, Aussie rock by bands like Powderfinger and Jet and other overseas bands like Nirvana and REM
4. Witch Hunter Robin (the greatest anime ever!), the Simpsons (hehehe - Homer Rocks) and My Wife and Kids
5. Books. Bring 'em on! Especially Harry Potter and Lemony Snicket. And who can forget Douglas Adams, the best writer of the best series of all time!
6. Movies - Monty Python (especially the Meaning of Life), Bruce Almighty, PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN (oh yeah), the Matrix trilogy... the list goes on!
7. Japanese. I sort of speak it, and I really want to go to Japan one day.
8. The colour black. I don't think I'm a Goth, but I really like black anyway biggrin


1. Mushrooms. Ugh.
2. R&B and pop music. Sorry to anybody who likes Britney Spears, but I just can't stand that sort of stuff. My deepest apologies.
3. People who kill other people
4. Homework. 'Nuff said. wah
5. Getting kicked off the computer.
6. Monday mornings. (or Sodit mornings - I'm a Thingite.)
7. The colour pink. A few too many bad experiences with that one...

So now you know a little bit about me. Leave me a message, damnit (sorry, Fred). cheerup


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Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

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