I love the mystery

I am a woman from the Third World. I don't know why they call that part of the world as third, there is only one world as far as I am concerned. And that is a world full of wonders.

Every little particle, every living cell has something going on inside it. There is so much we can see and there so much more beyond what we have seen and known for centuries. Sometimes I wonder how many lifetimes I might need to enjoy exploring everything around here? ..if I were to live again and again..and again..

And then there is the vast infinity beyond life. That which is inconcievable to human brain or may be not..time will tell.

When you look at the stars and galaxies everything looks so smalls down here on our precious earth. Still there are huge issues that we must deal with right here in our 30-40-50-60-70 or if lucky a 100 years lifespan.

There is psychology that tells me I am a sum product of my past. There is philosphy that tells me I am what I choose to be. There is biology that tells me I am some cells working on their own free will. There are faiths that tell me eveything is predestined. And then there is mathematics that tells me it's all about some numbers, you add, you subtract, you multiply and divide but in the end, whatever you do, it's this small mathematical symbol that gathers everything - infinity. And isn't it amusing, that even the concept of infinity is a subject of philosophical controversy?

So there is so much around here to enjoy while we are here.

A freshman coined a question during a fellowship meeting a few weeks ago, he said, does any of you wonder what would you do if you had to meet God once? Some of the folks came up with answers. I thought about it and kept on thinking. Then finally I found something in Al Einstein's thoughts, he says, "all I want to do is to think the way God thinks, all the rest is details"..I wonder if Mr. Einstein was aiming for something too high? Can we ever reach the point where some or at least one of us could think the way God thinks?

I find consolation in the fact that even though this eternal goal of humankind seems close to being impossible to reach,as every new discovery opens up doors to a myriad more worlds of unknown than it closes, the quest to reach this goal is definitely most fun. As a friend of mine wonders, 'if God made us with brains just so He could enjoy our quest?'

May be at some point in time, we'd know, but as of now, "we don't know what we don't know", really.

Whatever it is, it's fun and I love the mystery about it. Do you love it too?

Warm Wishes,


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