CAC - 24.04.03

0 Conversations

Graphic by Amy the Ant

'We put the CAC in



smiley - biggrin Weird Science smiley - wizard First/Personals

smiley - tit Satire smiley - mod Kitchen


Each Week:

Every week CAC will be featuring something from the menu at
Spook's wonderful Spaced Out Guide
Here's a little something for everyone:

Quantum Mechanics for Beginners
by Schrödinger's Cat-flap

smiley - rocket

And we'll be bringing you weekly updates to
Darkwin's ongoing series:


Void Fruitcake #1 -
Void Fruitcake #2 -
Void Fruitcake #3 - Void Fruitcake #4

smiley - ok

Our own

choices this week include
two entries rescued from the Flea Market:

Weapons of the 19th Century Cavalry
by The Ape Primitive


Achieving A Moment of Happiness
by WArPer

If the good lord's willin' and the cricks don't rise,
there'll be more CAC next week in the h2g2POST.
In the meantime come along and

join us in conversation! You can recommend

overlooked writers and point us to lost and forlorn entries that deserve a wider

readership. Or you can offer your own compositions and we'll let the

be the judge. smiley - devil

On behalf of the Committee for Alien



smiley - spacesmiley - runsmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - bussmiley - bussmiley - bussmiley - spacesmiley - bussmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - peacedove
"42 may well be the answer, but we believe
there are still questions to be asked."

Complete AGG/GAG


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