'The h2g2 London Thing'

1 Conversation

h2g2 has an awful lot of information about London. After all, it is quite a big place. There's the City, the West End, the East End, North London, South London, countless boroughs, tube stops, landmarks, pubs, clubs, and a whole lot of history. How on earth do you sift through all that?

The h2g2 London Thing is a directory of sorts aimed at solving this problem. For a start, it has a list of handy links to Edited Guide Entries on different parts of London, splitting the plethora of entries into various categories. However, since hootoo doesn't consist entirely of Edited Entries, it makes sense to include other London-related stuff as well. So far, the London Thing includes a list of recent and upcoming London Meets, a list of researchers who know about parts of London, and a list of other links which might come in handy.

You're probably thinking 'That's all very well, but why bother writing an article about it?' The answer is that the London Thing needs more stuff adding to it to make it more useful - if you think there's something missing, please point it out, and if you know a certain part of London well then please let me know so I can add you to the list. Suggestions for new sections are also welcome, as are discussions and any other sorts of contributions you want to make.

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The h2g2
London Thing
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