Sundry Squadron

2 Conversations

fast Assassin guild freightor

Breif History: The Sundry Squadron, named for its seemingly cobbled together nature, is the attack fleet of the Assassin's Guild

The H2G2 Assassin's guild
smiley - ghost
nil mortifi sine lucure

It was formed when the Assassin's Guild was threatened with dispandment by a local principality, that principality is no more.

A space scape

The Sundry Fleet is currently under the command of His Divine Shadow, who commands from the Black Death

Join the Sundry Squadron!

General Structure: The Sundry Squadron, as is true to its name, is made up of a myriad of ships, primarily refurbished war vessels that had been consigned to the scrap yard, and heavily modified bulk freightors. Because of the weapons and technology available on the black market, primarily through the Tenlos Syndicate, the ships are all now either really fast and manuverable, or as heavily shielded and armored as a warship half again their size, and all are very heavily armed. The Sundry Squadron in action is a sight to behold for allies and a hellish terror for enemies.

Members and their ships

  • Craxus, the second in command and the Tallgeese IV
  • Wonko the Insane and his ship, the Phantom (its in here somewhere)
  • Almighty Bob and his ship the Black Pig
  • AK Schmay-K
  • GodBen and his ship the Millenium Shadow
  • Uncle Bob
  • Captain Khamsin
  • marineSTORMCROW and the Stormblade

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