The CAC Continuum

1 Conversation

~jwf~ steeps to the upper plate

The Eggs all have landed

Fiction smiley - wizardWeird Science smiley - wizard First/Personals smiley - wizardKitchen Syncronicitiessmiley - wizardSatire

With newfound hope and help from the Miners and Polishers of the UNDERGUIDE, the legacy of Agg/Gag happily carries on each week in the h2g2 Post as The CAC CONTINUUM

This week:

This week ~jwf~ offers a curiously meaningful collection of 'found' essays. These were not originally written as Entries but were 'found' as postings in some of the more engaging conversations. Each has the merits of a good essay, worthy of CAC attention.

Why are we here?

First, a Founding Fodder of Agg/Gag and long standing executive member of the Committee for Alien Content who has contributed greatly to the Post, to h2g2 and especially to our cause over the years and is currently the Co-ordinator between the Underguide people and the Agg/Gag/CAC-C people.
tonsil revenge has a kind and generous way in conversations and makes friends easily, often talking to idiots I wouldn't give the time of day.

Generally modest he seldom talks about himself so when he recently revealed some intimate details about his own life I just had to copy it here for everyone.
The Lost Cord smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - towel.

What time is it now?

Another friendly and helpful researcher who has been here since well before the Great Vogon Detour of '01 is Increase Mathers He has always been willing to offer a hand to newbodies. When he recently generated this synopsis of the GUIDE for an enquiring newbie mind, I thought we ought to copy it and share it here with everyone.
A Concise Guide to the Guide

You haven't heard? She IS Sigourney Weaver!

And perhaps the hardest working researcher ever is Shazz , editor of the h2g2 Post. She too finds time to be helpful and friendly in conversations and recently offered this list of resources:

Important Historical sites on h2g21

Do they have a senior's rate?

And speaking of History, there was once a beginning made to create an ongoing History of the Guide. When it seemed to be abandoned I made the following contribution to that forum.
What ever happened to AREA 42 - a history of the history

Heroes all!

The boilerplate:

Well, as SONNY so often said to CHER, 'The beat goes on!' But it only does so because people like those featured here today are willing to share their joy and experiences at h2g2 with any new researcher who joins. There is much in the history of this site to be explored and it is such a huge site for newbies to navigate alone.
smiley - tickle
We hope some of these links will help you gain an understanding of where we've been, where we're at and where we might be going from here. Unlike airliners and cruise ships, all the passengers on this ARK have the right to suggest our future course. Yes, you have a chance to say which way to go. We want to hear from you.

This edition of the CAC CONTINUUM was hobbled together
for your entertainment, edification and information by

The CAC Continuum Archive

In association with

11.03.04 Front Page

Back Issue Page

1A much fuller picture can be found in the newly created All About h2g2 Archive... Shazz

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