
25 Conversations

I Figure It's Selfish To Keep 'Em All

So I'm gonna give 'em away.

This page is created by Werekitty, and maintained by her and her aide Anthea the Werekitten, who does the work for peramant space in the corner with ensuite basket and kitty-litter. Pick your favourite animal and it'll be your totem animal, to follow you around. Or you can undergo the "scarey scientist treatment" and be transformed into that werebeastie, able to assume that shape, a half shape, and a full human shape. To see a sketch of the place go here. To get the code for the beastly list go here, it's being updated all the time so keep an eye on it.

smiley - I'm werekitty.

You can be anything you want to be.

smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley -

To get or become a werebeastie, just type what beastie you want...aaaaand........ Now!
I wanna be
I wanna have

WerebeastiesWerekitty the werekittyDr. Anthea the WerekittenNevermore the WerehumanCatwoman the original H2G2 Werecat - a freak of un-natureSt. Jon Quixote the werewhitetigerPhoniex the weresnowleopardRalph the Wonder Llama, the ex-were-Bugblatter, now Werecatblatter (half cat, half bugblatter)Mystrunner the wereangelSchrodinger's Cat Flap the weresiamesecatNarapoia the WerelemurReefgirl the WerevixenFlying Betty the WeredragonAries the WerewolfDragantha the Werehuman (normally a dragon)DrunkenDeath the Weresnake (literally legless)Gangorlas the White the WerewolfcatMadpea the WereelvenwingedcatarooCraxus the Werebalrog (pround owner of a Nazgul)Archaris the WerephoenixHis Divine Shadow the WerewookieMombassa the WerethunderbirdPantherlady the WerepantherLimitless the WerelionMetroid the WeremetroidHappysuggs the burgundy WerehedgehogMullet the Weremullet (a kind of fish)The Average Joe the WeregorillaHeavyasMetal the WerewolfSerephina the WereleopardHelelou2 the WereferretGaia the Weresphinxcrazyhorse the WerelionbullW??h릮bsp;?α}?屫 the WerehydraCael the WerepantherWhat is rule one? the Wereblacktigerpdante the Wereantbob3559 the WerecatSilunaka the WerefishyE󩮦nbsp;the firebreathing WeretermiteTacysa the Tapdancing Turkey Taker's Werecow artichoke (cos there's always one)Kiro Yukai the WeredragonFloridaSailor the WeresharkExcelsior the Werewolfcinnamon_spider the WereMacaroniPenguinDamien Yukai the WeresabretoothedpenguinIsross the WereWyvernRaekor the WeredragonKhamsin the WereGreatCrestedNewt Cat-Eyes the WeredragonUncle Bob the WeretigerHeath Flowen the WereChinese-Dragonjonsix the WereLemurGriffin the natural WerecatThe Admiral the WereGiantSquidRecklessnes the WerecatLaudatortemporisacti the WereSpiderKat the pocket WereLigerCapit௦nbsp;Black Leopard the WereWeaselDragonqueen the WeredoctorEddie_sixtimesseven the WerebabelfishZaphob the WerevampireNaped Ha'Pre the WereratDaizzy the WerevampirebatMyOwnFantasyWorld the weredolphinSCARLETTINBLACK the WEREMIAOW4me-2me (Please don't 8me)Get the Code for this list Become a werebeast yourself

smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley -


We now number a proud 65 Hosts - Werekitty and Dr Anthea, Nevermore (werekitty's pet), Catwoman, Jon Quixote, Phoniex, Ralph the Wonder Llama, Mystrunner, Schrodinger's Cat Flap, Narapoia, Reefgirl, Flying Betty, Aries, Dragantha, DrunkenDeath, Gangorlas the White, Madpea, Craxus, Archaris, His Divine Shadow, and Mombassa (his divine Shadow's pet), Pantherlady, Limitless, Metroid, Happysuggs, Mullet, The Average Joe, HeavyasMetal, Serephina, Helelou2, Gaia, crazyhorse, W??h릮bsp;?α}?屫 (what a name), Cael, What is rule one?, pdante, bob3559, Silunaka, E󩮬 Tacysa the Tapdancing Turkey Taker's Werecow artichoke (cos there's always one), Kiro Yukai, FloridaSailor, Excelsior, cinnamon_spider, Damien Yukai (who is also Kiro Yukai *goes cross eyed*, Isross, Raekor, Khamsin, Cat-Eyes, Uncle Bob, Heath Flowen, jonsix, Griffin (guardian : Shade the Repairman), The Admiral, Recklessnessmiley - , Laudatortemporisacti, Kat, Capit௦nbsp;Black Leopard (with the solar-wind weasel sneeze), dragonqueen, Eddie_sixtimesseven, Zaphob (who likes garlic steaks), Naped, the succulent lightsaber wielding Wererat, Daizzy the werevampire(fell,dire)bat (with extra eviltude), MyOwnFantasyWorld the Weredolphin (complete with werealien pet), SCARLETTINBLACK the WEREMIAOW and 4me-2me (Please don't 8me) the Weresnoopy with a cookie.

A Poem by St. Jon Quixote, werewhitetiger, the Second Werebeastie


The wonderful thing about were beasties

Is werebeasties are wonderful things.

Their tops are made out of Fur

And their bottoms can have stings.

They're Growly, Howly, Reooowly, Meoooowly,

Fun fun fun fun fun.

But the most wonderful thing about werebeasties is

I'm not the only one!!!!!!


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