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Food, Something Like Food, And A Fair Substitute For Food.

Here's Johnny!

Fiction smiley - stoutWeird Science smiley - stiffdrink First/Personals smiley - emptyKitchen Syncronicitiessmiley - drunkSatire

Food. The fuel of life. We all need it, we all want it, and it's all relative to the way we see it. Some of it's good, some not so good, and some of it's down right strange. Often what one finds to be haute cuisine can be truely disgusting to the rest of us. Hopefully that's what I have found for you today.

Today's Menu:

Those bright yellow 'M's that dot the landscape practically anywhere you go, are they a sigul of something good to eat? Are they a message, a warning of sorts, to those gravitationally challenged? Or are they a warm greeting inviting us in for a friendly conversation and a quickie (meal)?
Blue Bird aka Gecko
Wonders and rambles About McDonald's.

If at first...

Religion and food...? Do they really go together, or are some people simply very serious about their snacking? Anyway it goes, Doctor Psi
has quite possibly created his very own religion with Baked Beans On Toast As Sacrament. don't succeed...

If none of that interests you, or you just want something easy without really going anywhere, then check out this handy entry on what might be the greatest snack food ever. Uncle Heavy [sic] has provided us with Crisps: The Definitive Guide to guide us through those difficult decisions when we need to overdose on salt.

...get a bigger hammer!

This week's collation was begged, borrowed or stolen from various places on this site by Sneaky. Just goes to show what you can find when you're not looking.

I love mushrooms of all kinds! (except portobello, they taste like bleach)

The boilerplate:

For all those that continue to support creative writing on an increasingly banal site I give thanks. Your efforts will continue to be *ahem* borrowed to provide some measure of entertainment for our masses.

We wouldn't do it without you.

The Committee for Alien Content(ment) salutes you!smiley - smiley - smiley -

This (whatever it is) has been inspected and rejected bysmiley - smiley - (tonsil revenge)!

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