h2g2 Post 30.09.04

2 Conversations

Posted: 30th September 2004


Here comes October

Does the time pass more quickly these days or is it just me? It hardly seems any time at all since Greebo told me that she was going to relocate the lair. After numerous trials and tribulations the date is set, the doughnuts loaded into the van and the milk tanker given its new destination. Unfortunately this also means that the Greebo-puter will soon have its terminals unceremoniously disconnected and h2g2 will be Greebo-less for a few weeks. So all you quiz addicts will have to entertain yourselves for a while as h2IQ, WordPlay and QED take a short sabbatical after this week's edition. Room 101 will also take a rest but you can still offer up your suggestions.

Another familiar name is sadly absent for the time being. We heard, via snailmail, that Awix finally upset his computer so much that it blew all its innards and refuses to work. He would like us to point out that, contrary to popular belief, he is very much alive! So those of you who enjoy his excellent film reviews will just have to take your chances at the movies for a while. Hopefully he will return in due course.

Despite these gaps in our staff we hope to soldier on - but would request that any items you are hoping to send for publication arrive in plenty of time. After a few days of my own computer spontaneously rebooting I have given it a good talking to so, unless it decides to follow the example of Awix' machine, I hope to be able to still produce The Post for your edification



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