The X-Philes - Forever Autumn Part One

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Washington Memorial Hospital, 14th October, 2002, 5.30pm

Alex Krycek is in the ER. He is watching an FBI agent with a gunshot wound being helped into a cubicle. The doctor comes throught the door - her badge says Dr Dana Scully. Dressed in blue scrubs, she looks at the notes the nurse has given her.

Scully: 'So you're Agent... Mulder right?' she says to him. Mulder nods.

Scully: 'Care to tell me which one of the bad guys did this to you?'

Mulder: 'I dunno. It was like Dodge City out there, it could have been anyone' he replies.

Dr Scully starts to peel off the temporary dressing and clean up the wound.

Scully: 'I know, I've been patching up the others. It's been a regular bloodbath.' She smiles at him. 'If I had a dollar for everytime I've patched up one of you FBI types I could retire tomorrow.' She starts to stitch the wound. 'So which department do you work for?' she asks him.

Mulder: 'Violent Crimes.'

Scully: 'Can I give you some advice?' Scully smiles at him.

Mulder: 'Sure'

Scully: 'Change departments to something like the motor pool and you might just see your next birthday.'

Mulder starts to laugh, then winces in pain.

Mulder: 'Thanks for the advice, doc.'

Krycek gets up to leave. He's seen what he needs to; his collegues will be pleased with the success. He leaves the hospital and walks down an alley. He pulls a device out of his jacket pocket and points it at the wall. The wall shimmers and ripples and Krycek walks through it.

Opening Titles

The line 'The Truth is out There' is replaced with 'The Truth is Here'

Santana Building, corner of 53rd and 3rd, New York, 5.30 pm 15th October 2002

Krycek is sitting opposite a small group of men explaining about his last mission.

Krycek: 'It works perfectly. I had no problems with it at all.'

Tall Arabic Man: I'm not sure about this quantum physic stuff. What happens if you meet yourself? Aren't things supposed to start imploding?'

Well Manicured Man: 'You're not likely to meet yourself are you. You won't be there will you.'

The Tall Arabic Man looks embarrassed and mumbles he supposes not. Krycek carries on.

Krycek: 'I've been to a couple of different realities. I don't think you can get to the same one twice. I've tried a couple of times but I haven't managed it yet.'

Krycek looks slyly at the Well Manicured Man. What he doesn't know won't hurt him he decides. The Well Manicured Man nods.

Well Manicured Man: 'Well we have a little more time to perfect the device. I suggest we meet again in two weeks time gentlemen.'

The rest of the group including Krycek get up to leave.

Well Manicured Man: 'Not you, Alex. I've got something else for you to do.'

Krycek nods and sits back down. When the last of the group has finally left the Well Manicured Man relaxes a little.

Krycek: 'So what do you want from me?'

The Well Manicured Man gets up and crosses the room.

Well Manicured Man: 'Drink Alex?'

Krycek nods.

Krycek: 'So?' he prompts as he accepts the drink. His superior sighs.

Well Manicured Man: 'It has finally become reality. We are now able to fight back against the colonists.'

Krycek: 'But...'

The Well Manicured Man sighs again.

Well Manicured Man: 'I don't know. Something still doesn't feel right. It's not just the aliens we're fighting. It feels like something else is here too. Something else is trying to take over. There's a cancer growing inside the govenment and its not of our making. Our trusted agents on the inside are being overuled. The President is listening to others, now, others that are feeding his fears.'

Krycek finishes his drink and faces him.

Krycek: 'That cigarette smoking son of a bitch told me that the time of the Evil Man was approaching. Do you know what he means? He also said something about signs and portents?'

The Well Manicured Man walks over to the bookcase and picks up a Bible.

Well Manicured Man: 'I don't suppose you thought of looking in here when the strange signs started to appear?'

Krycek gives a humourless laugh.

Krycek: 'Why should I? God and I aren't exactly on speaking terms anymore'

The Well Manicured Man opens the Bible and starts to read.

Well Manicured Man:

'This is from the Book of Revelation Chapter 8 verses 10 and 11.
"The Third angel sounded his trumpet and a great star blazing like a
torch fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of
water, the name of the star is Wormwood."

He closes the Bible and waits for Krycek to put the pieces together.

Krycek: 'And'

The Well Manicured Man sighs

Well Manicured Man:
'You do speak Russian don't you Alex?' Krycek nods 'Well what
does Chernobyl mean in Russian?'

Krycek: 'Bitterness... Wormwood!! Oh my God, yes. The water wasn't fit to drink for years and the people who didn't die outright suffered.'

Krycek is beginning to put the pieces together.

Well Manicured Man: 'It's all in here.' The Well Manicured Man waves the Bible in the air. 'Read it, Alex, and work it out. The end of the world is nigh, the Devil stalks our world now.'

Krycek is thunderstruck.

Krycek: 'Is he in league with the Aliens?'

Well Manicured Man: 'I don't know. We have to find out who he's disguised as first, that will be your job.'

Krycek nods and makes his way to the door. The Well Manicured
Man calls out after him.

Well Manicured Man: 'Alex you may have to swallow your pride and go to Mulder.'

Krycek groans inwardly. Every time he comes face to face with Mulder he usually ends up getting his ass kicked and, after the last time they met, this is going to be no exception.


The White House, 15th October 2002, 6.00pm

Nick DeAbalo1 is in the Oval Office with President George W Bush. The

conversation is going well for DeAbalo.

Nick DeAbalo: 'Well, Sir, I can assure you my information is correct as of...' DeAbalo looks at his watch '... thirty minutes ago. There was definitely a meeting held at this building.'

He shows Bush a photo of the Santana building in New York. He passes photo's of the 'New Syndicate' including the Well Manicured Man and Alex Krycek to the President.

Nick DeAbalo: ' And these men were

present. I have got it on good authority that these men have been under

investigation by the FBI for some time.'

Bush gets up and starts to pace the office looking at the photo of the Tall Arabic Man.

'Who is this man, Nick? Does he have links to Bin Laden, Hammas, the Shi-ites, Arrafat and his goons, IRA ,UVF UFF, the Klan...'

Bush's voice takes on a slightly hysterical tone. DeAbalo grins at this. He has the most powerful man on Earth just where he wants him.

Nick DeAbalo: 'We understand that they have been appealing for funds from the "Black Budget" but they wont give any idea as to what they're building. They just tell us that it's defence-based. Of course that's what they say. Who's to say that's what it's for. It could be attack based.'

Bush's face goes pale.

'You mean members of our own government could be involved in the attacks against us, plotting to destroy America from within?'

DeAbalo nods.

'Get them, Nick, get them. Do what you have to. I must have people I can trust. We must get rid of the traitors.'

Nick smiles his best cheesy 'you can trust me' smile.

Nick DeAbalo: 'You can trust me, Sir. I'm always here for you, Sir.'

Bush smiles, relieved.

'I know, Nick. I am so lucky to have you to advise me. I can't trust anyone else but you. Now, you will be here for the War Cabinet meeting tomorrow? I need you to tell me if we're doing the right thing going after Saddam.'

Nick DeAbalo: 'I can tell you that now, Sir. You won't regret it. Your poll ratings will soar, you'll be a hero to the other world leaders and all the problems you have here at home will just melt away. No one will care. We'll be one big happy family again.'

DeAbalo can't help but feel slightly sick at this sugar overload he's

spouting, but it's what the boss wants to hear. As he leaves the office he

can't help but dance a few little steps on his way back to his own office. He

produce's a cigar out of the air and lights it with his finger.

Nick DeAbalo: 'Sucker! This is gonna be easier than I thought...'


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