The Evil Army of H2G2: A History: Dud Wars

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The Dud Wars
The Neo Wars
The Evil Annals

The quick series of wars that came after the invasion of the MotMV all failed misirably in that they were invasions of once glorious, but now weak and frail societies

The Invasion of the Dog House

See This Dud War

Feb 15, 2004 - Mar 2, 2004

The invasion of the Dog House was looked upon in antisipation as the set invasion date neared. The ensuing battle was expected to be long and exciting. These expectations were completely wiped away after the second day ended. The Dog House claimed that there was no one left to fight among their ranks. While this was mainly true, it was a trick. The Dog House even went as far as to recruit Sea in their fun at tricking us into leaving. While both the majority of the forces left the Dog House, Hunter Killer1 remained burrowed at the site for sometime afterwards. He had with him a small complement of Lurkers in case the once glorious Dog House had not indeed fallen so far into disrepair. After a day or so Red Dog called his troops out of hiding either wishing to laugh at us that we actually had believed him or that he actually believed all had left. This not being the case, the Overmind sent the okay to open fire upon the Dog House troops. The first Dog House casualty was a ACF trooper that was examining the wreakage of a still burning trebuchette. As the spine from the Lurker imaled the trooper, Hunter Killer unburrowed to reveal that the Overmind was not very trustful of others, especially the enemy, and, therefore, had ordered Hunter Killer to remain behind while the Swarm returned to the Primary Hive Cluster.

Soon after this Red Dog moved his base into another dimension and The Overmind sealed them in there. Then Red Dog went to each of our personal spaces and said what he had said the first time that we had invaded him. At this point we were fed up and basically left deciding to ignore any more of the Dog House's tricks.

Invasion of The Terranic Army

The original Invasion threadThe actual "fighting"2

Mar 3, 2004 - April 23, 2004

If every army has one of those invasions it would prefer to forget, this would be the one that the Evil Army of H2G2 would want to forget.3 The invasion was seemingly normal at first; We invaded by making a new thread, they didn't respond for a while, when they did it wasn't with imediate action but with uncertainty of what we were going on about. Then they told us we were in the wrong place and that we should go to the new site. When we arrived the MotMV had already attacked the War Room and so we joined in. The problem came when we4 claimed the thread for our own. The MotMV went so far as to add it to their list of threads. This did not make the TA happy and durring a request for a community art for the TA, a MotMV mamber came and informed the Italic there that the TA did not have any active members anymore and the reason that they were so popular was due to the presence of the MotMV and Evil Army of H2G2, which was not entirely untrue. The TA had a few active members that were tring to resist, but everywhere that they tried to talk we came and attacked the thread. The postings in the Comunity Art request for the TA resulted only in lessening the chances of both societies geting a badge as well as the manipulation of words on both sides to make the respective society seem to be correct. Finaly both MotMV forces and Evil Army forces agreed to leave the TA5 so that they could rebuild their forces as their leader Spook had claimed that we attacked when the majority of the active members were on vacation or otherwise unable to come to the defense of the TA. While there may be some truth in this, this was probably an exaduration of the extent to which this was true.

Apart from these wars the Evil Army was involved in the invasions of The H2G2 Insomniacs6 and The H2G2 Grey Hairs' Society.7

1Battlefeild Commander of The Overmind2The last of our troops 'departed' at post #20023Although the Dog House one isn't too far behind4refering to both the MotMV and the Evil Army of H2G25Although we still seem to be posting there6Which was inactive and the Evil Army came into at the very end7who were non-militant

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