The h2g2 Poem

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The Return of the Prodigal Website

Hey there, old friend.

We turned around and there you were no more,

Without a hint you might be going to go;

A sign, 'Gone Babel Fishing', on your door.

It gave us quite a nasty turn, you know

At first we pouted, slouched around and pined,

And jealously imagined your cavorting;

It's never pleasant, being left behind,

Like schoolkids when their friends discover courting.

But now you're back and, bless you, looking well,

A different sheen but basically the same;

The ring upon your finger now to tell

Of your betrothal and your change of name

This new partner of yours, they seem okay -

A bit less laissez-faire, a little straighter,

But solvent, steady, and still lets you play;

And are they good for you? We'll judge that later.

So now it's time for bunting and for cake

To drink strong drink and eat a meal that's hearty;

This is a wedding breakfast, not a wake -

Hand me a beer and let's get down and PARTY!

Welcome Back, h2g2.

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