The CAC Continuum

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The Out-to-Lunch Issue

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Out To Lunch1

What's the best way of getting away from it all? A cruise? Holiday in the tropics?
Drawing the curtains and watching daytime TV? No way! Try -

A5876544 by U1590784

smiley - star

There are delicacies to be found all over the world. Go travelling, nip out to find your lunch, because somewhere, on top of spaghetti, all covered in sauce, was my poor meatball...-

A5876409 by U228046

smiley - earthsmiley - droolsmiley - mars

Lunch is an illusion, the smell from the crisper drawer doubly so? Paraphrasing, yes, but when you fancy something to eat there are reasons why you nip off to find take-away.
These are some -

A5876364 by U97351

smiley - tomato

We've all fancied getting away from it all at some point. And we've all imagined travelling off in time, either to find out what really did kill off the dinosaurs or to have lunch with Ernest Hemingway. Here's your step-by-step guide on how to make a time machine. Use it wisely. Or foolishly. See if we care -

A5869434 by U1542181

smiley - ufo

Many writers say that poetry is the inner search for the muse, or that to write poetry is to journey or quest for your true expression. Perhaps. We think it just makes for jolly good reading -

A5869443 by U228352

smiley - schooloffish

And finally, the main reason we all post that little sign at some point in our lives:
OUT TO LUNCH is merely just a metaphor for -

A5876517 by U2096791

smiley - chick

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This week's CAC Continuum was cooked up by MJ: A Gentle-frood

as part of the Committee for Alien Content's Continuing search for truth and a wider audience.

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MJ: A Gentle-frood

29.09.05 Front Page

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1The CACers are away for a while, quite probably eating lunch or more likely trimming their nose hairs. Enjoy these offerings.

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