This Sporting Life

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Gran Clicquot

Next time the weather looks nice and you have nothing to do, I urge you
to go racing. Nothing beats watching sport live and racing is no exception.
I know it looks boring on the television, but that is because there is no
atmosphere. You need to be at the track where you can feel the thundering
hooves of the runners as they race past you and their backers screaming
encouragement at their chosen mount. I prefer National Hunt racing in the
autumn and winter. That being said, in the height of summer it is a great
spectacle, the sun has the horses and the people looking their best and
there are few better places to spend a day soaking up some rays. Brighton
Racecourse on Tuesday of this week had a full race-card, a bumper crowd and
stunning weather. It also had the added spectacle of of a rare event in
racing terms; a winner with odds of 100/1.

The horse in question was a grey mare called Gran Clicquot who
convincingly won the Cuisine de France Selling Stakes by one and a quarter
lengths from the 3/1 shot Sharp Shuffle. The favourite for the race, Prince
Millennium, trained by Richard Hannon, could only trail in a disappointing
ninth of 12 runners. He set off with odds of 11/4. How the bookies must
have rejoiced, as he was trounced and the horse with the longest odds in the
betting by far, claimed the race.

Behind the headlines there is a story that underlines the romance of
sport; Gran Clicquot has not raced for nearly three years1 and yesterday was only her second time on a
racecourse. She was originally trained by her owner Frederick Gray, who
held a training permit. Gray entered her for her only previous race, a
National Hunt flat race or bumper. The mare did not particularly enjoy
herself and was pulled up by her jockey having never really got going.
Having decided that that outing showed her not to have too much jumping
potential, Gray decided to switch her to the Flat.

Early this year she arrived at the yard of Gerry Enright, a trainer in
Lewes, East Sussex. He decided to aim her at this race as her pedigree
indicated that the trip of 7 furlongs would be her best distance. Thus it
proved to be, relishing the firmer ground, she stormed home to the
bewilderment of the crowd and joy of the bookies2
. However, the performance
did not impress potential purchasers, as the post-race auction did not
attract any bids.

The person who really must be kicking himself is Kieren Fallon, the
ex-champion jockey, who partnered the runner up. He was offered the ride on
Gran Clicquot but obviously considered the horse not to be a worthy mount as
his agent didn't even respond. Shame horses aren't more human really as I
am sure Gran Clicquot would have enjoyed showing Fallon a clean pair of

I have sent Gran Clicquot some packs of polos. For me she is as much an
equine hero as the more expensively bred horses, who frequent the yards of
Aidan O'Brien and Godolphin. Someone once said that if h2g2 had a theme
tune it would be 'Certainty of Chance' by the Divine Comedy. It seems to me
that it could also be Gran Clicquot's, after all her victory could not have
been predicted but it could also not have been more certain.

Abi... Post Sports Correspondant.

16.08.01. Front Page

Back Issue Page

1946 days
to be precise.
2Surely this should be the other way round? Well no. Bookies always want
horses with long odds to win and the crowds want short odds horses to win.
This is because a horse's odds shorten as more people bet on it. The more
people bet on it the stronger the support in the crowd. Similarly if people
don't bet on a horse, the odds lengthen. A bookie will have to pay out more
when a short odds horse wins then if a long odds horse win, because though
the odds are shorter, the amount of people who bet on it is larger. This is
one of the quirks of betting. With a starting price of 100/1 very few
people bet on Gran Clicquot. Hence the fact the bookies were cheering as
they were going to pay out very little money!

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