Greebo's Big One

1 Conversation

Oh deary seems that Shazz is not the only one to have pet troubles. I have two dogs, Chloe and Kolin, both girls, just thought you should know this. I also have a Cockatiel called Rocky, who has learned that if he hits the bottom of his cage with his beak, it sounds like someone knocking at the door.

This, Rocky has discovered, sets the dogs to barking and running to the door in the excitement that someone could possibly be coming to visit the Lair. Rocky is most happy about this, and laughs very nastily at all the fuss he has created.

Dogs are supposed to be intelligent right? So why can't they get it into their cute little heads, that the knocking noise is not coming from the door, but from Rocky's home!!


Would you like your say on the big issues of the day? Well here's your chance, click below to get transported to Greebo's voting booth, where you can answer the question of the week.

Results will be printed in two weeks time.




This was the question asked a couple of weeks ago, and below is the results of the voting...

Which would you find the most embarrassing?

  • A huge, slightly less than massive, 45% of H2G2 researchers thought the idea of getting to work and finding they had no clothes on would be the most embarrasing moment for them.

  • 27% of our more refined readers decided that, seeing themselves in the background of a news broadcast on the tv, scratching themselves in a delicate place, would come tops as their most embarrasing moment.

  • A traumatized 23% admitted that, logging on to H2G2 and finding out there is a whole page devoted to those horrible childhood photographs that their mother keeps showing to all their friends, would make them blush like the proverbial pink thing.

  • And last but not least, an itty bitty 5% rather suspected that, being caught cheating on a famous tv quiz show, would make them hide in a cupboard for the rest of their lives.

This vote has made me really love to know who had voted for what... I would dearly like to know which ones of you would hate to be caught scratching yourselves on the tv news. I thought h2g2 researchers were far too posh to be scratching themselves in such an undignified place... wherever it might be.

On second thoughts, please don't tell me, I would hate to have my allusions shattered at such an early age!!

As the winner in this week votes was about wearing no clothes, I thought that a link to the Hans Christian Andersen Story, The Emperors New Clothes would be appropriate. Reading through the classic tale, made me hanker (me does a lot of hankering... especially for doughnuts) to read a few more fairy stories, so I did, and I have thoughtfully provided you with the links to them below.

Happy reading...

THE EMPERORS NEW CLOTHES and other stories.

Click the link to be taken to the story of your choice.

The Emperors New Clothes

The Snow Queen

The Little Match Girl

The Red Shoes

The Real Princess


Send your letters and anything else to me here:- Greebo T. Cat

Thanks again everyone...


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