Hotel Hanger

7 Conversations

smiley - THE HANGER BAY!

You look around the hanger and see some small executive craft parked well-spaced from each other, some rusted old junkers that look like the high-schooler just got the family car, and some unique things that are obviously owned by the illustrious Captain Venom. One is a battlecruiser that looks more like a freighter on it's last legs. The name on the hull is The Hitchhiker's Vision. The other is a shuttle with what looks to be a very large and powerful hyperdrive held to the back by, literally, paperclips and chewing gum. The name on that one is the Starseeker 42.

smiley -

You walk down the hall to the Hanger Bar, the only vendor of Sober-All on H2G2!

smiley -

You walk over to the Hanger Fueling Depot

smiley -

You walk back onto the turbolift to the lobby

Station Navigation Bar (NEW!)

Lobby|Hanger|Shop|Hanger Bar|Fuel Depot|Anti-Borg Movement HQ

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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