From Our Correspondent

1 Conversation

Vice President in Sheep Fetish Scandal

It has come to my notice that Jodan the Vice President has taken a rather strange liking tosmiley - sheep

At the moment there is a flock of sheep residing in the Alabaster House Canteen, and not because they are on the menu!smiley - yikes What are the health implications of this to Alabaster House's visitors? I mean, let's face it, it's just not hygienic!

It would also seem that the canteen has been built by Bodgeit and Scarper. Upon visiting the canteen, I found peeling walls and a ceiling that looked like it was about to collapse at any second. Is this any way for our President to be running Alabaster House? Sources have reported that the President has shown concern at the state of the canteen and the amount of smiley - sheep therein. But she feels that the vice-president does not take any notice of her concerns and just laughs in the face of them.

Another top-level source at Alabaster House claimed that the Vice President wanted the smiley - sheep there because he found them 'aesthetically pleasing'. There has also been talk of him being involved in political manoeuvring and pyramid schemes.smiley - yikes

What worries me is this, a little memo I got my hands on direct from Alabaster House, where the President herself talks of global domination with the use of sheep:

Be Afraid, be very afraid.

Remember, the truth is out there smiley - erm somewhere.

Sore Throat

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