Easter Graphics Competition

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I hope that you are all busy with your paint or design programs! So far The Post has received one entry - in the egg section, but would dearly love to have some more to choose from!

So try your arm (or paint programs) and design something suitable on this theme. There are three categories; Easter Bonnet, Easter Bunny1 and Easter Egg and we would like you to come up with an innovative and colourful design which will look good in both classic goo and alabaster. The background for classic goo should be created using the hex values R00 G00 B66. Keep them to a sensible size - my mail box will refuse anything with a ridiculous amount of MB's and they may be reduced if they are too big to fit onto a page.

Send your entries to shazz in jpeg or gif format marking the subject line as 'Easter Graphic Competition'. Entries should arrive no later then 27.03.02 at 1pm GMT if they are to stand a chance of being judged - the winning entries in each category will be blobbed and available for use throughout h2g2.

Easter Bonnet

First design your hat and then decorate it with anything appropriate to the Easter theme. It can be as simple as a few chicks and bunnies or as complex as a Shilling creation.

Easter Bunny

Ahhhhhh... cute and fluffy the Easter Bunny brings cheer to all good girls and boys on Easter Day. What does it really look like though? If the bunny doesn't grab your fancy, then you may try Easter chicks instead... with or without shells.

Easter Egg

This is where you can go absolutely mad with colour and special effects! Think of the fabulous eggs created by Fabergé for the Russian Court and multiply by ten. Add plenty of jewel effects and make your graphic sparkle.

21.03.02 Front Page

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1The Easter Bunny is really excited by this and is looking forwards to seeing what you think s/he looks like!

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