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This lists the crewmen aboard, gives their ranks and a short description. Click their names to access their character writers.

The Captain

Station: The Bridge

Description: Standing straight and strong, the Captain cuts a powerful figure, holding post at his Bridge and seeming to move things and events without any outward effort. Normally wearing the sleek black uniform he designed.

A rather private person, quiet and reserved when off duty, the Captain's background remains a mystery to all but his closest friends.

Dr. Picardo

Station: Medilab

Description: An artificial intelligence program resident in the Medilab, Dr. Picardo is the Medilab, but generally we refer to his android body (with biological exterior. Affects a lab coat.)

A brusque and rather arrogant entity, at best.

Supply Officer Augie

Station: Shuttlebay 1

Description: Awkward and gangly are this guy's bywords. Wearing huge oversize boots, billowy trench coat, and thick coke-bottle goggles over his brow, Augie comes off as young and naive. He's a helpful, if klutzy, teammate.

Investigative Agent Fred Regular

Station: The Brig

Description: Fourtyish, grizzled, trim but not pumped. Fred has a friendly, laid-back style that sets everyone at ease, with a habit of remembering people's birthdays and buying pretzels. Though the laundry and closet-stocking functions on the ship are completely automated, his clothes still manage to look rumpled and slept-in.

He's an excellent detective. Very experienced.

Major Danko Rusevski

Station: The Hangar

Description: Young. Taut. Aggressive. The words easily fit Danko, throwing in sadistic and sardonic. Still, a brilliant pilot and very loyal, if you can earn it.

Science Officer Lizzy

Station: The Bridge

Description: Dressed casual, appears to be a fairly scruffy hippy type character, but on closer inspection her eyes give the impression of much intelligence and an understanding of things happening around her. Very friendly to everyone, unless you get on her wrong side.

Wesker, Navigator

Station: The Bridge

Description: Always dressed in tight leather, very pale, grey to almost white. There are plugs attached to the base of his skull. His eyes are strange.

We now know that he is Matrix, an artificial virus created to consume anything and anyone in its path. It has assimilated Wesker, and preserved his memories. Still, he seems tortured enough without being rejected. The Captain has kept him on a probationary basis.


Station: The Hangar

Description: Wearing traditional green camouflage pants and matching top, silvery-grey t-shirt underneath, and a gunbelt. Holstering Quicksilvers: eight round, silver-plated, .45 caliber pistols.

A sharp-shooter, gun master.

Investigative Agent Cal

Station: The Brig

Description: 'Incredibly beautiful'? Little else is know about this crewmember. She has taken the job as Investigator, though she originally applied as Ship's Doctor.

Eric Hofhine

Station: The Bridge

Description: A half human hybrid, Siid's Diplomatic Specialist. He has demonstrated telephathic abilities, which he inherited from his alien ancestors. He is shorter than most humans, has white skin and his eyes are completely red.

He wears a black uniform and a black stole on which are red symbols from his extraterrestrial heritage.


Station: The Bridge

Description: Tactical Officer


Station: The Brig

Description: Newly minted security chief.

Grishnak Ugdakka

Station: Barracks

Description: "Strong, Tough, cunnin', likes ta bash stuff in spare time." A massively built orc chieftain, having taken up residence with his "lads" in the bowels of the ship, has taken up the job of Drill Sergeant to the military personnel onboard.

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