h2g2 Post 11.07.02

1 Conversation

Posted: 11th July 2002


Fitting a newish kitchen is time-consuming

That's my excuse for a fairly brief editorial this week, anyway. I was pleasantly surprised at how good tile paint has become over the last few years, though. The last time I tried it they looked exactly that - painted. This time the muddy brown has transformed to steely pale blue to great effect, although the smell is a bit overpowering.

Talking of overpowering smells; the neighbour, from whom we purchased this fairly new kitchen, was obviously also pushed for time. The cooker arrived complete with a can of oven cleaner! Now THAT stuff has a really powerful smell. My eyes didn't stop watering for a whole day afterwards. Still, the oven certainly sparkles now

And now - the messages. Firstly we wave Wowbagger off on his prolonged holidays - we hope that he finds time to relax and enjoy himself. There will be no re-runs this time round, however, so if you miss your weekly fix I suggest a root around the archives! Luckily his departure coincides with the long-awaited return of spimcoot, who introduces a new format with this week's rendition.

Next, as we celebrate the latest h2g2 wedding, the SATS team commemorate their first anniversary of campaigning for a towel smiley. Will they ever get their wish? That remains to be seen.

The London Meet looms ever nearer. If you haven't signed up you may be too late as the list is getting pretty impressive. Read more in the Announcements section.

Finally, as promised, the solution and winners of the Post Spot the Difference Competition get to see their names in lights on the Front Page. They are:
Dr St Justin   
Rocket Rod   

Congratulations! They all spotted these differences:

  • Gray bird missing from top left
  • Snake missing from base of tree on left
  • Frog missing from lower right
  • Spider missing from above bird with telescope
  • Bat missing from branch above turkey
  • Beetle missing from flowers below cow

As you seemed to enjoy this feature, we will try to bring you another one soon.




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  • The last for the time being as Wowbagger takes a well-earned break.

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