#21: In the Sculpture Garden

2 Conversations

This photo comes from the h2g2 Post's collection of submissions to Create's November project. We'll be posting a photo a day for the month of November.

In the Sculpture Garden

Sculpture Garden Face by Deek.

Once again, we have proof that h2g2ers actually venture out-of-doors.

Deek says:

This photo was taken last year at a 'sculpture garden' exhibition in deepest Surrey. It's quite a surprise when you come upon it in the woods, and it's very green. Lots of other exhibits but this to me was the most impressive. (Prices on request). Most of the exhibits are changed each year.

This is beautiful, and fills the Editor's head with many, many dangerous ideas. It makes me think ridiculous thoughts about Lacan and the sardine can:

…Petit-Jean pointed out to me something floating on the surface of the waves. It was a small can, a sardine can. It floated there in the sun, a witness to the canning industry, which we, in fact, were supposed to supply. [They were fishermen.] It glittered in the sun. And Petit-Jean said to me – You see that can? Do you see it? Well, it doesn’t see you!

Jacques Lacan, The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psycho-Analysis

From this sardine can, Lacan developed a whole theory that has spread throughout world academia. The moral of this tale is: enjoy Deek's photo, and do not make silly jokes in front of philosophers. You never know what damage you might do.

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