ME (goti fish Prof. Computer Crashology)

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I'm the fish I have an interest in computing,reading,swimming(hence the name) and crashing computers (So far I have been one of thb few people to get the blue screen of death on the Nintendo 64. Allowing me to write a thesis on computer Crashology and be dubbed Professor of Computer Crashology in the H2G2 University Of Mice .A computer in a bin Other features of me include various well trained character flaws and a spelling problem (no suprises?). I am currently a qulified lifeguard Working at a major swiming complex. I have also renounced my resolved to keep a pessimistic attitude to life (regardless of the happy maniac Cupid Stunt (ACE) Who is aparently enjoying insanity. Well its beter then suffering from it at any rate. The Black Racoon is another close friend of mine who deserves a link.

I am also a Devoted Dwarfin and Pratchett Fan I particuly enjoy his Discworld series

Assistant Community Editors

I'm an ACE so if you need Help ask after the beep or if Im off-line heres a list of other ACE's

Here's a list of offical ACE's. Help is just a few clicks away!

This in a nut case* is me.

The fish (goti)
Prof. of Computer Crashology

I Survived Single Sign-on

My Aquarium, V 1.1

If some one could feed the (fried) fish (see fish food forum) I'd be much abliged -goth (fish) ACE

This weeks Famous Fish: Angel the Angel fishsmiley - orangefishsmiley - bluefishsmiley - bluefish

I think that one of my fish is looped after my latest update ooops!

* I ment shell

You are welcome to leave a mesage after the beepsmiley - bleep


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Goti (Fish) ACE (SAS) Prof. JOIN H2G2 SAS A592102

Researcher U114736

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