CAC - 20.03.03

2 Conversations

Graphic by Amy the Ant

Fiction smiley - puff Weird Science smiley - cracker First/Personals smiley - towel Satire smiley - vampire Kitchen Sinkronicities

This Week:

Paper - Rock - Kissers

an index to everything on h2g2 that

"Rocks," "Rules" or "Sucks"

It's a mixed bag this week, but I hope the gimmick will make it worth while. What I'm attempting is to search out every guide entry with an exclamatory title saying that someone ROCKS or RULES or SUCKS. Some are jokes. Some may be researchers' personal spaces. Some are well thought out, decently written entries in spite of their titles. [No, really, at least three of them. Check the bold titles.]

This exercise was slightly more difficult than you might imagine, because simple searches for these keywords turned up lots of rock gods and Punk Rawk, Rules for surviving in a horror movie, discussions of the House Rules, and how people playing harmonicas need to literally suck about half the time.

The opinions in these entries do not necessarily represent those of CAC or the h2g2 Post or h2g2 or BBC. My opinion is that this list of entries rocks, but some of the individual entries fail to rock.

That Which Rocks

Geology Rocks!
Cleveland Rocks-A Guide to The Drew Carey Show
I Rock!
I am the Purple_turkey, and I will rock your! ;-)
h2g2 Meet-Ups Rock! h2g2 Meet-Ups Roll, too!!

That Which Rules

Nutty Poo Cake RULES
Monkey Boy Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Douglas Adams rules
Whaling Rules, OK!
Dortmund rules !!!
Jim rules
Confusion rules!
Half-Life rules, Especially the CounterStrike MOD!!!!!
ME I rule
Wolves Rule!!

That Which Sucks

End Users Suck
TV Sucks!
Artist Within/People Suck
Love Sucks
Why H2G2 sucks
The Edgewood Warrior Marching Band Sucks Bigtime
Welcome to my page, it sucks.
Work sucks!
Javascript and Why it Sucks

Scouring the Guide for ruling rocks that suck,

we'll continue to bring you CAC applauded entries

in each issue of the h2g2POST.

And we hope you'll join us!

On behalf of the Committee for Alien Content,

Subcom. Deidzoeb

"42 may be the answer, but we believe there are still questions to be asked."

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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