h2g2 Post 01.05.03

1 Conversation

Posted: 1stMay 2003


So h2g2 is now 4!

What an amazing four years it has been. Sadly I missed the first couple of months of its life but I did join in time to experience the thrill of deciding on a 'real-life' meet - only to be unable to attend that ground-breaking game of softball in Hyde Park. By the time The Post had been conceived and was past the planning stages and into pre-production, I was in a position to attend the next meet, however. The initial worries about meeting a bunch of people only encountered on a website were present for only about two seconds. It was like walking into a room full of old friends. I have been lucky enough not to miss an 'official' meet in London since then and have also hosted a few (official and otherwise) here in Holland. If you get a chance to attend an h2g2 meet, go!

What else of interest has been happening this week? Not a lot in the Shazz/TM household. I have a week off from college and am taking full advantage by sleeping in rather later than usual. Well, I would be getting more sleep only our cat Kathryn has come into season again and is yowling constantly at her brother, Quark, for attention. As he has already been 'seen to' this results in behaviour ranging from out-and-out cat fights to feeble attempts at procreation - and accompanying noise. I had just dropped off to sleep last night after enjoying a rather relaxed evening drinking when I heard an almighty crash from somewhere. Investigations uncovered that they had managed to knock over a rather nice vase of flowers. I really must think about getting Katy 'seen to' as well.

Talking of pets and their antics leads me nicely to this week's Post. There is no Escape Pod Dreams this week because tonsil is coping with a new puppy in the house. Hopefully he will have time between mopping up small puddles to return next week. One or two of our other regulars are knee-deep in exams, either at school or college, so we wish them every success. We do, however, have a piece from Ormondroyd singing the praises of been grumpy, an informative piece from Archangel Galaxy Babe on the SARS epidemic and Pinniped enthusing over a Japanese film. All in all, another fine issue.



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