Mistaken Identity - Part 5

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Clique Headquarters, a birds eye view

Chapter Five

4400 Centre, Seattle

Agents Tom Baldwin and Diana Skouris from NTAC and Dr Elizabeth Weir and Colonel John Sheppard from the SGC entered the front door of the 4400 centre.

'I'm here to see Shawn Farrell.' Tom flashed his ID to the receptionist 'It's about his fiancée,' he said.

The receptionist picked up the phone, dialled and spoke.'He'll be right down,' she replied. The group waited and soon enough a young man descended the stairs.

'Uncle Tommy!' he hugged Tom and nodded a greeting to Diana. 'Diana, you said you wanted to talk about Isabel,' he said.

'Yes, we need to talk to Richard as well.' Tom turned to John and Elizabeth. 'This is my nephew, Shawn Farrell. He runs this place. Shawn, this is Colonel John Sheppard from the USAF and Dr Elizabeth Weir.' They shook hands. 'They're here because we think there's been a case of mistaken identity involving our Agent Garrity and their Major Lorne,' said Tom.

'And you think Isabel's involved?' enquired Shawn.

'We think Isabel was waiting for Major Lorne on the interstate, thinking he was Garrity,' said Diana.

'And someone who wanted Lorne got Garrity by mistake. We want to know if you know anything about this,' said John.

'We'd better talk in my office,' said Shawn.

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Trust safe house somewhere in Washington, DC

'I have had word from a company calling itself Haspelcorp. They have Major Lorne and they are the ones looking for this Agent Garrity. They wish to meet at a neutral location,' said the Goa'uld known as Bellona.

'We have no more options. We will have to agree to their terms; we cannot wait much longer for implantation and to send him back to Atlantis,' said Orcus.

'Where do you suggest we meet?' asked a third man. Bellona consulted a map.

'Iowa. It is midway between Seattle and DC.' She tilted her head to one side. 'A town called Ottumwa; it is a place that came to my host's mind immediately. Contact Haspelcorp and tell them of our decision,' she said.

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Haspelcorp, Seattle

Dennis Ryland put down his phone and turned to Isabel. 'My offer has been accepted. We are meeting a group called The Trust in Ottumwa, Iowa. They have Agent Garrity and they want Major Lorne,' said Ryland.

'Can we trust them?' asked Isabel.

'We don't have much choice. The longer we leave the Promicin in Jordan's hands, the less chance we have of getting it back and finding out what he's doing with it,' he replied. 'Get Lorne. We have a long trip ahead of us.'

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Shawn's Office, 4400 Centre, Seattle

Tom, Diana, John and Elizabeth made themselves comfortable in Shawn's office when a tall, good-looking Black man entered.

'This is our security head, Richard Tyler,' said Shawn. Richard shook hands with John and Elizabeth. John frowned, trying to put some pieces of information together.

'Richard Tyler... there was a Richard Tyler who was the first Black American pilot. He disappeared in Korea, was he a relative of yours?' asked John.

Richard smiled. 'That was me. I was abducted like the other 4400s,' he replied.

'That was fifty years ago and you haven't aged a day. How is that possible? What the hell is going on with you 4400 people? A kid tells my second-in-command not to stop on the interstate, then she tells me I'll know what to do when vampires invade the city. I want answers,' said John, getting irate.

'You don't know about the 4400s?' asked Shawn.

'We've been away, so humour me,' snapped John.

'Three years ago, a comet was heading for Earth. It changed course and headed for Seattle. When it got here it left four thousand, four hundred people, thought to have been abducted by aliens, on the shores of the lake. Richard, Maia and Shawn were among them,' said Tom.

'Pretty soon, we realised that some of us had been changed. We had special powers. I can heal people, Maia can see into the future and Richard has telekinesis. We soon found out that we were kidnapped by the future and changed to prevent the destruction of the Earth, which, according to them, is this point in time,' continued Shawn.

'What has this got to do with Agent Garrity, Major Lorne and Isabel?' asked Elizabeth.

'Isabel?' said Richard.

'Isabel is Richard's daughter,' explained Diana.

'We think that Isabel and Ryland have kidnapped an Air Force major called Lorne, mistaking him for Agent Garrity. They are the spitting image of each other. Colonel Sheppard wants him back and they think they know who's got Garrity,' said Tom.

'I don't know what Isabel is up to,' said Shawn. Richard shook his head.

'I try to have as little to do with Isabel as possible,' said Richard.

'Why? She's your daughter,' remarked Elizabeth.

'She's the cause of the downfall of humanity,' stated Richard. John and Elizabeth looked at each other and shrugged.

'We need to get our Major Lorne back and we need your help,' said Elizabeth. Shawn looked at Richard, who shrugged in an 'it's-your-funeral' way.

'If Ryland and Isabel have kidnapped this Major Lorne thinking he's Agent Garrity, it's probably because they think he knows the whereabouts of his Promicin,' said Shawn.

'Why?' said Tom.

'Jordan stole it. He wants to give the rest of the world a fighting chance against the future,' said Shawn.

'What's Promicin, a drug?' asked Elizabeth.

'Promicin is a hormone that gives a 4400 its powers. This research was carried out by a Dr Kevin Berkoff. He's the only person we know who's an 'artificial' 4400. He injected himself with Promicin and developed 4400 powers. The only source of pure Promicin is Isabel, because it can only be harvested from a baby and until a year ago Isabel was a baby. Her growth was accelerated at the expense of her mother's life,' said Shawn.

'The only problem is that Promicin is only successful half of the time. If it takes, you get 4400 powers. If it doesn't, you die,' said Tom, with a pointed glare at Shawn.

'Why would anyone do that?' asked Sheppard.

'It gives us a fifty percent better chance of survival,' snapped Richard. Sheppard's phone started to ring and he got up and stood by the window to answer it.

'And I thought we had problems,' sighed Elizabeth. Sheppard snapped his phone shut.

'That was Colonel Carter. Agent Barrett says The Trust are on the move, so it's a good bet that your Isabel is too,' said John.

'Where are they going?' asked Tom

'He thinks they're heading for Iowa and they've got the local force looking out for them,' said John.

'Shawn, are you going to help?' asked Tom. Shawn sighed.

'I'll call Jordan,' he said.

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Several hours later in Ottumwa, Iowa...

Lorne was bundled unceremoniously out of the trunk of a car and dragged towards the door to what looked like a cellar. His captors pushed him through it and he landed in a heap. He lay there dazed for a couple of minutes and then he saw a hand reach out to him. He grabbed it and hauled himself to his feet.

'You okay?' said a voice.

'Yeah, I think so,' he replied. As his eyes adjusted to the light, he saw the face of his fellow captive, a face that looked a lot like his. 'You must be Garrity?' he said.

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