The Kitchen

14 Conversations


"No sweeteners will cloak some forms of bitterness.  If it tastes bitter, spit it out.  That's what our earliest ancestors did."

Frank Herbert, 'Chapterhouse Dune'

The Circle Kitchen is a warm, welcoming place filled with the aroma of baking bread and freshly brewed coffee.  Modern appliances line the walls and a large, well-scrubbed  food preparation table with stools commands center stage.  The cupboards are filled with earthenware dishes and serving pieces made at the commune, the pantry is overflowing with produce from the garden preserved in Mason jars, while copper-clad cookware and bunches of drying herbs hang from a metal frame suspended from the ceiling.

If you enjoy cooking, you will find good friends and pleasant conversation here.  Do you have a favorite recipe or a cooking short cut to share?   Have you been wanting to preserve your own food but aren't sure how to begin?  Would you like help planning the perfect menu for a special event?  Or perhaps you need ideas for the perfect cake for a children's party.

Please feel welcome to post your cooking-related questions and suggestions here.

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