The h2g2 Poem

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Dear help us here comes Monday.

Why did they put it there?

Right after every weekend

Obviously they didn’t care.

It spoils our Sunday evening,

Sends us off early to bed.

The harshest day is Monday

They're playing with our heads.

Dear help us here comes Monday,

With alarms and ringing bells.

Why start the week on Monday?

Tuesday would do as well.

It has to be the worst day

To begin the working week.

Why not put it after Friday

And give us all a break?

Dear help us here comes Monday.

And a winter one at that!

It's very dark and getting cold

I'll need my scarf and hat.

Perhaps if it were mid-week

It wouldn't be so bad.

Because hating winter Mondays

Is more than just a fad.

Dear help us here comes Monday...

At the same time every week,

If they put it after Wednesday,

That would be such a treat!

Or give us every Monday off,

Serial bank holidays!

Then we'd all love Mondays

And gladly sing its praise.

smiley - birosmiley - birosmiley - biro

Poetry by Fizzymouse


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