h2g2 Post 10.07.2000

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Posted: 10th July 2000

This week's edition of the POST was published late for various reasons, the main one being a lack of articles. We are an entirely volunteer-run paper, which relies heavily on researchers being prepared to either write articles for us, or suggest Guide entries which they have written and think may be of interest to other researchers.

With this in mind, I would like to appeal to a few of the 50,000 researchers out there in h2g2 land to consider if they could be just the writer the POST needs. There have been comments that the same people appear to write articles for the POST week after week. Quite often they have to in order to have enough to fill up the edition.

There is a small core of researchers who contribute up to 40 hours a week to trying to maintain a standard of grammer, spelling and formatting, the unsung hero's and heroines of the POST. When one of these valiant people is not available for any reason, the burden falls even more on those who are left. We need to attract a strong group of writers who will be able to either write regularly for the POST, run their own column, which could be about the latest gossip, the busiest forums, or be prepared to go out and work for the POST in the capacity of asking anyone who has written a good entry whether they would like to see it in print. We also need a new cartoonist! Wowbagger had to leave due to immense pressure at his new job, and we have failed, so far, to find a replacement.

Maybe you fancy helping on the more technical side? Searching for suitable pictures to accompany the articles, putting in the GuideML on items already submitted, even loading them up to the POST site. Even more, we would be more then happy to instigate a policy of having different editors every week, responsible for the overall effect of the paper, checking out that all the facts are correct, that all the links work and that the frontpage is ready and waiting when needed.

It would, I feel, be a great shame if the POST no longer existed, but there is a limit to how much time and money (Yes, we pay for internet connection!) this researcher, for one, can continue to put into this endeavour without more support from the rest of the site.

We are seriously considering changing the publishing day to a Tuesday, thus giving contributors time to complete their articles and either put them up themselves, or make sure that they are in the POST Office by Saturday night at the latest. There would still be room to include late-breaking stories, and maybe our workers, could have some spare time at the weekends!


  • 1-2-1

  • This week we interview the Antarctic Explorer.

  • Take5

  • The pick of this week's batch of new Guide entries.

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