The X-Philes - Sing Me An Old Fashioned Song 5

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J Edgar Hoover Building, Washington DC

After dropping Andy and Karen off at the safe house Doggett and Scully return to Washington. Their first stop was to find out if Caitlin was still living in New Orleans, their second stop was at Monica Reyes' office.

'Hey, Monica.' says Doggett. Reyes waves back. 'So tell us how you'd go about putting the voodoo meanies on someone.' Reyes looks astonished. Was this the same sceptical, no-nonsense John Doggett she knew and loved.

'Well it depends on what you wanted and where you were.' she replies. Scully raises an eyebrow.

'Where you were?' Reyes nods.

'I've already said that Haitian and New Orleans Voodoo is practised slightly differently. It's also practised in Africa and in some form in Mexico.' She folds her arms and looks straight at them. 'So why don't you stop with the cryptic clues and tell me what's going on?' Doggett sighs.

'There's no fooling you is there.' Reyes narrows her eyes and glares at him. 'Ok, ok. We think that the sister of the original singer of the band, whose deaths we've been investigating, may have struck a deal with someone to use voodoo to kill off the people she blames for her sister's death.' he says. Reyes blows out a breath.

'Wow! That's some theory for you.' she remarks. 'What brought you to it?'

'Well we all know that vèvè's have been found placed at least two of the scenes and you, yourself, said that this Zdenek thing needs human sacrifices for big things. Also Andy said that Carol's sister, Caitlin, said that Carol would have her revenge on the rest of the band. I have no idea how voodoo works so bear with me. Can Voodoo practitioners bring back the dead?' Reyes nods.

'In extreme cases.' she replies.

'Well Caitlin strikes a deal with Zdenek. If he brings her sister back he'll get all the human sacrifice he wants by doing whatever voodoo gods do to the rest of the band and she gets her twisted revenge.' he finishes. Monica nods.

'Sounds feasible.' she replies. 'I don't want to put a dampner on this but moving Andy and Karen to a safe house may not deter a voodoo practitioner.' Scully's been thinking.

'Monica, do you still have contacts in New Orleans?' she asks.

'Some.' replies Reyes. 'Why do you ask?'

'Well someone was hired to do this. Is there anyway of finding out who's been spending big amongst the practitioners? This service couldn't have come cheap.' Scully muses. Monica nods in agreement.

'I'll check with suppliers, too. Special herbs and things are needed for a ceremony like this.' says Reyes as she picks up the phone.

The Next Day

Doggett is awakened by his phone ringing.

'This had better be important.' he growls into the reciever.

'John, it's Monica. I've had some results. Meet me and Scully at Dulles Airport, we're on the first flight to New Orleans.' Reyes says.

30 minutes later Doggett is in the departures lounge with Scully and Reyes.

'Ok, you drag my ass out of bed at 5.30am so this had better lead somewhere.' he grumbles. Scully sticks a cup of coffee in front of him.

'Here, he'll be a lot more pleasant after his caffine fix.' says Scully to Reyes. Doggett scowls at them. Reyes hunches over the table and whispers her news.

'Well I made some enquiries last night and I got a couple of leads. Marie LaBelle runs a magic shop in the French Quarter. She's a Rada Loa Priestess and she had someone come into her shop for some specific ingredients. Marie recognised the ingredients for a black ritual and refused to serve them. She said they were for a raising ceremony and were expensive and difficult to get hold of. She didn't recognise the buyer but she says she'll help us.' she explains.

'La Vie Du Monde' Magic Shop, French Quarter, New Orleans

A dark skinned woman aged about 50, dressed in a long flower print dress and matching head scarf, is arranging items on the shelf behind the counter when the three agents walk in.

'Bonjour, Marie.' says Reyes. Marie comes out from behind her counter and hugs Reyes.

'Ahhhhhh, Monica, cherié, how are you? How is the non-smoking going?' she says in her Cajun/French accent. Reyes blushes.

'Not well I'm afraid.' replies Reyes. Marie wags her finger at her as if she's a naughty child.

'I did offer to help you. You took my herbs ok, why didn't you use them?' scolds Marie.

'I did try them, but they tasted so bad I'd rather have the cigarettes.' Monica confesses. Marie indicates to Doggett and Scully.

'These are the two that need my help, yes?' Monica nods.

'This is Agent John Doggett and this is Agent Dana Scully. They're investigating a case that may involve Black Magic.' replies Reyes.

'Ahhh, yes I see. That is why your Agent Rochelle was asking all those questions last night. You tell me what is going on and I will tell you what I can.' Marie says. The Agents tell the tale of Carol and the deaths of her band mates and the conclusions that they have come to. After hearing the story Marie gets up and starts collecting things from the shelves.

'We have to leave now if you want to find the others alive and stop this.' Marie says.

'They're safe. No-one but us knows where they are.' retorts Doggett. Marie scowls at him.

'You still don't understand, do you! They will not be safe from Zdenek. The Black Gods know how to find them.' Marie remarks. 'I have to go with you, only I have the power to help you.' She beckons them to leave and locks the door behind them.

Democrat Hot Springs, Northern Georgia

Andy and Karen are sitting on the porch of an old hotel in the deserted town. The old hotel had recently been refurbished on the inside and used as a safe house by the FBI. Two agents are sitting in an old barn across the road watching the hotel. Karen is reading a book and Andy is playing his guitar. Karen sighs and puts her book down.

'What's up?' asks Andy.

'This whole stupid senario; sitting here in the middle of nowhere because someone has got the idea that a face from the past has put a voodoo curse on us. It sounds like some TV show.' she says. Andy looks at her.

'We'd have had to go into hiding anyway, after the deaths of Mike, Connor and Stu. It was only time before they got to us.' He looks around. 'I wish they could have found something a little less... primitive. I have this weird feeling I should be brewing moonshine in the barn and you should be looking after at least 12 kids.' He laughs as Karen throws her book at him.

'If you start calling me Ellie-May ah'm gonna break ya head with that there cooking pot and feed ya to them there swine.' she replies in an exaggerated Southern accent.

'Why Miss Scarlet, ah do believe that's the worst southern accent ah've ever heard.' he replies. They both start to laugh, breaking the tension. They turn at the sound of a footstep and see one of the agents. 'Hi, Agent Richmond. What's up?' The agent doesn't reply but carries on walking towards them. Karen looks suspiciously at him.

'Agent Richmond, are you ok?' she asks now getting a little worried by the man's silence. Richmond looks at her with blank eyes. Karen gasps.

'Oh my God, Andy. Look at him. He's a... a... a zombie!' Andy gets up, grabs her hand and makes a run for the car but the way is blocked by the other agent who grabs both of them and drags them towards the barn.
They get pushed into the barn, still struggling. A blond-haired woman appears from behind a pillar. Andy glares at her.

'Caitlin! So this stupid story about you using voodoo to get your twisted revenge is true.' he spits. Caitlin smiles.

'Sort of, but it wasn't my idea. I wanted Carol back at first but I'd have never thought of going through with it if he hadn't come to me three years ago.' Caitlin nods towards the man coming in the door.

'Eddie Luce!!!!!!! I thought you died with Carol in that hotel room.' gasps Andy. Luce grins.

'No that wasn't me, it was one of our roadies. Nick I think his name was. Oh I was there. It started as an after gig party. Anyway the others left after a few hours. Carol wanted to carry on so we sent Nick out to score some Heroin and some Acid. He came back, we started shooting up and I was on some heavy trip for most of the night. When I came down I found Carol and Nick dead. I panicked and switched clothes with Nick and hit the ground running. I holed up in Mexico for a few years, got mixed up with a priestess of some kind of voodoo and I watched her bring this guy back to life. I thought maybe I could get Carol back. You may not believe it, but I loved her. She was getting clean, we both were, but we went to that stupid party and started again. Anyways, a few years ago I went to New Orleans and got involved with a secret society, Black Voodoo. Became quite powerful too. I met Cait at one of the ceremonies we carried out. She wanted revenge on you guys for what happened to Carol and I wanted Carol back so we hatched this plot. The Gods got their sacrifices, Carol got her revenge and I get my Carol back.' he finishes. Andy's mouth drops open.

'You're nuts! You fried your brains with acid. You seriously think you're going to get away with this? The FBI have you tagged for this.' he splutters. Caitlin gives an cold evil smile.

'I've got away with it.' she replies. 'You two are the last sacrifices needed. Tonight we will all get what we want...'


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