Vote "The Masque of the Red Herring" for Virtual Dictator!

4 Conversations

The Masque wants YOU!

Soundbite of the Day, 14 July, 2000:"Pour spelling is part of my campain platform."

This is the Headquarters for all things Masque, the one and only candidate for Militant Dictator of H2G2! All the other candidates are running for Virtual President -- but the Masque promises something different! Something Revolutionary! Something RED!

Masque NewsTHIS JUST IN: Forum and Firkin Wine Giveaway Okay!

Monday, 14 August --After some confusion, Menza has agreed to let the Masque/ Redfish Campaign Bribe Wine Giveaway have its own forum on the F and F page, where Red Election Wine will be given away in exchange for votes! This forum cannot be advertised in other F and F forums in the intrest of keeping the beloved pub a politically neutral zone, but everyone interested can drop by this thread for a free glass of wine

Forum and Firkin Offering the Masque's Wine

Wednesday, 9 August --The Forum and Firkin agreed today to offer a free glass of the Masque's magic red wine to anyone whoe promised to vote for the Masque/Red Fish ticket. Drop on by and get yourself a glass of this intoxicating beverage!

Red Fish to be the Masque's Running Mate!

Monday, 7 August -- The Masque of the Red Herring announced today that Red Fish will be his running mate in his race for Virtual Dictator. When asked about his decision, Red commented "My two favorite colours are red and red. Now this ticket has both!"

The Masque Speaks: Press Release
To my fellow cittizens of H2G2, my brothers, my comrades. The day has come
to elect a different kind of leader, one who is not afraid to do what he
deems neccisary to succeed. One who is not afraid to challenge the
democratic processes by which his fellow candidates seem so bound. One who
is not afraid to hide behind a bright red mask. One who is not afraid t
spell incorrectly!

Comrades, I am that leader, and together we can make a new H2G2. No longer a
weak democratic organization, but a military dictatorship where the strength
of the masses act as one for the common interests. The collective intrests!
My interests! I stand firm upon a platform that sheds my former spaming
ways. I am a reformed spammer! I am an anti-spammer! I am in favor of
manatory registrtion for all spammers. Un-lisceced spamming will be
punishable by imprisonment or flogging. And to my vegitable commrades who
support the Celery, I will say that the Celery is a worthy vegitable, but I,
too, have your best interests at heart. I will impose a ban on all pruning
impliments, including weed wackers and lawn mowers. I will impose a ban on
weed killing chemicals. I will fight for the rights of each and every plant!

Some of you say that I come too late to join the ranks of those who are
running for office. But this shows only that you are not free people, but
are rather bound by the pseudo-democratic structure of the status quo! Like
Ross Perot before me, I enter the race belatedly with every intention of

Friends, H2G2ers, Countrypersons! Lend me your ears! Once I am in office
you can put an end to your worries. I promise an end to crime through the
efforts of my thought police! An end to uncertainty through my dynamic rule!
An end to this overly long statment of intent!


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