The Virtual Prez of h2g2

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The Nominations closed last week, but one more candidate managed to gain entry to the race purely because he likened himself to Ross Perot, which gave me such a laugh I just had to include him! The lucky candidate is 'The Masque of the Red Rejection Email' and I hope to have more information for you shortly.

The campaign seems to be gathering speed! After the shocking attempted poisoning of Demon Drawer... or was this just a crude publicity stunt... we now have more genteel, relaxed entertaining to look forward to. The Celery and Ms. Webjello are holding a glittering event which promises to provide not only a pleasant oasis, but also some possibly lively debate. I am pleased to say that the Press have been invited. You can read more about the event in this article

The Big C and Njan have now set up their Campaign Page. We hope to have their portraits added to the Rogues Gallery really soon!

If you haven't already been having a nose around the Scandal and Rumours forum, please do. It is well worth a visit although, as with nearly all h2g2 forums, you may
experience some topic drift!

Remember all you ever wanted to find out about the race to become Virtual President of h2g2 can be accessed by starting at the Virtual Prez Home Page

For an update on the Opinion Poll you will need to visit HERE

There is no sign of any report from Styx the Rat yet, but I live in hope!


31.07.00. Front Page

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