The H2G2 Dinner Club

9 Conversations

Good friends, good food, good wine.

A chopping board

A dinner club! Yes, of course! Why not!

So, how do we go about it then?

The idea came to us over a nice meal of roasted lamb. The thought was that once a month we gather here at the club, where one of us prepaires the Dinner of the Month.

Everybody have a favourite meal, a setting they like, a special dessert. Come and share it with us!
The host of the month provide the dinner, the rest of us bring ourselves and good conversation.

So, who's next?

A bowl of salad.A big pot of soup with loads of lovely things in it!

List of members:
St Hatifnat
Titania, Queen of Elves
Pierce the Pirate
Yossarian Prefect
Also ran 1
Phoenician Trader

And of course we love a little dessert...
Coffe and sweetsSloe gin by e[version]

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