The pirate club

18 Conversations

We are not the Blood of the Zaphodistas, that's a ship, while this is more of a gathering that's petered out a bit. So if you want to actually do anything, I suggest you go there. Here you get your name added to a list and that's about it1.

I am the Keeper of pirates. So I did what any other Keeper of pirates would do. I started a pirate club.

This is our pirate ship which does not have a name yet. If anyone has any suggestions for a name post them below, and I will have an official naming ceremony when I hear of a good name.






So what do you do at a pirate club?

Basically, you run2 around pretending to be a pirate. You can have a sword if you wish. Or a cannon, a parrot on your shoulder, or any other steroetypical pirate paraphernalia. You could choose to be unconventional and run around waving flowers at everybody if you like3.

How do you join?

Just post your name and your proposed pirate alias in the forum. Easy. Then start a battle / hand out flowers.

What's in it for you?

Apart from getting to join in battles? Ummmm... you get your name on this page, when I get round to it. And you can use my scrolling thing. Although I don't know why you'd want to. But it's there if you wish.

smiley - piratesmiley - skullsmiley - pirate Join the pirate club. Meet people from all over H2G2, and run them through.smiley - piratesmiley - skullsmiley - pirate

What's this?

It's the pirate code of conduct. You've got to try and stick to it if you want to be a proper pirate.

  • I will hate, or at least look down on, any landlubbers I meet while in my pirate guise.
  • I will be mean and menacing
  • I will let out stereotypical pirate curses at random times.
  • I will think up a really good pirate name
  • I will recruit more pirates.
  • I will tell Dastardly when I find any treasure

In the boat so far

1 But we were here first.2Note; This does not involve real running. You're at a computer.3They can be pretty darn scary. Especially if you have hayfever. You definitely don't want bunches of flowers waved in your direction.

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