The h2g2 Post 07.12.09

4 Conversations

The Post 10th birthday banner as designed by Tavaron

Posted: 07th December 2009



Welcome to this celebratory edition of The Post

It seems hard to believe that The Post has been running more-or-less continuously for the last 10 years. It started as a germ of an idea by Vegiman and, after much discussion and sheer hard work, first appeared on the old on 6th December, 1999. At this time The ACEs and Subs had only just formed and Scouts and Gurus were still a way off, so The Post tried to bring the site together to promote a sense of community. It presented me with a steep learning curve as I first had to code it in html as it was originally hosted off site. Then I recoded it all into Guide ml when it moved over to the site proper not long before the .com collapse. After a few anxious weeks I was allowed into the 'new' BBC-hosted site to make sure that it was all present and correct when the doors opened and everyone returned.

Over the years The Post has changed and evolved. Who can remember Agony Aunt1 with her quirky problem solving, Loonytoons with his downright bizarre horoscopes, Wowbagger and Spimcoot with their brilliant cartoons, Ormondroyd with his sharp political observations and Greebo T Cat for just about everything. Luckily, we have maintained a complete set of archives for those who want to revisit their favourites.

The Post has always tried to be at the heart of h2g2. We have featured interviews not only with regular h2gers but also almost all of the Italics. We try to cover every community meet, including the one where I was collared by BBC personnel with clipboards and lots of strange questions.

Although obviously not able to be totally up to date with current affairs, we have still tackled the big issues when they arose. The hardest editorials I had to write were when DNA died and for the events of 9/11.

My stint as Editor finished when I was suddenly taken ill. So, after almost 6 years in the hot seat during which time I had met Towelmaster and moved to The Netherlands for a new life, the baton passed through Awix, Reefgirl, EMR, Rich and into the capable hands of B'Elana, although I do still lurk furtively in the background. The future looks bright. From a skeleton staff of two, then one, The Post Team now boasts a great array of talent. This means nothing without you, the community, for whom and from whom The Post gleans nearly all of its content.

So, let's have a big cheer for this august publication and long may it continue with your support... especially for the The h2g2 Post Christmas Competition 2009
























Think Tank 140

Post Birthday Graphic Competition Result

Ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased to award the prize for the h2g2 Post Anniversary Graphics Competition to...

Tavaron da Quirm.

We like to be unique here at the Post, so we thought it fitting that our only entrant should come first and last simultaneously. That's why she made two!







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The Post 10th birthday banner as designed by Tavaron
1How many of you knew this was really Monsy, I wonder.

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