The h2g2 Post 25.01.10

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Posted: 25th January 2010




Talking about the weather is by no means a British prerogative. The weather is being discussed all over the world – even I do it. While large parts of Europe are still in the firm grip of a fierce winter, it's that time again when arsonists in Australia strike their matches with glee, as the very hot, dry, and sometimes windy weather there will guarantee them success in their despicable undertaking. It is the time when people, like an h2g2 friend of mine, wonder what to do in case the fire isn't stopped about 200m from their front door: will they stay or will they go?

It is certainly a decision which has to be well thought about. It is always good to be prepared if that is possible. I've mentioned it before: I like to be prepared in matters Post related. Still, it is nice to have a few positive surprises, of which we haven't had a lack so far this year. And it goes on.

I am delighted to say that we have yet another 'Post Novice'. Santragenius V wrote a poem in a journal, and I was granted permission to publish it here. I know there is a lot of wonderful stuff all over h2g2, in journals, entries and conversations. Unfortunately, we can't always be at the right place at the right time, so if you come across something wonderful which you think should be made available to a wider audience, please think of the h2g2 Post, like lanzababy did on finding a travel journal the other week. It is likely that we'll get some fascinating travelogues soon.

But it's not only new authors who make the Post what it is. It is just as wonderful to welcome back an author of a very popular column in the past, so please, don't miss 'Sporting with Egon', which you'll find below. Please enjoy this week's issue.




















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