The h2g2 Post 01.11.10

2 Conversations

One of Clive the Flying Ostrich's Halloween pumpkin carvings

Posted: 01st November 2010




Recently, my husband gave me the link to an online game. There are several boxes, and you have to move them around in order to collect the key(s) and go through the door. It is a bit like a variable maze, and sometimes, you have to jump and fall through tunnels to get where you want/need to go. The funny thing is, that each time the little figure falls, or risks falling where he shouldn't, it is as if I was falling myself. I have a strange feeling in my stomach, and I don't want to know what it does to my pulse. I know it is silly, because nothing bad happens, not even on the screen, but apparently it is vertigo taken to its extreme. It's not rational, and I never suffered from it when I was young, but it's getting worse with age. It hasn't kept me from playing, though, so it's a good job that we have an additional hour here in Europe.

What use did you make of that hour (if you got it last night)? I hope you saved it for reading the Post. The Post novice I announced last time, ITIWBS, makes his début today with his take on our Time Travel Challenge. If you are inspired, we'd love to have your submission, too.

Before I forget: it's November now, and we're rapidly approaching the Post's birthday on 6th December, as well as our special Christmas issue1. It would be great if you'd put your thinking caps on now and send us something special in time for those issues.


































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1Quiet there, tempus fugit.

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