CAC - 07.11.02

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The big red fire <br/>


by league_against_helium

Some people are concerned that the edited guide is getting too 'pedestrian', 'too conservative' and frankly up its own arse, apparently. Didn't stop this little beauty hitting the front page full tilt on Monday morning this week!

So, wherever you are, sitting there in front of that screen, work or play, public or private, night or day; go on, you know you want to... take a big breath and then let 'er rip...


smiley - bus

Getting back to nature

by Neri Aracro

You'll still find this one in peer review (with a title change) and indeed I think the author has already changed it a bit to fit the guidelines, which is a shame. Some may say the title doesn't immediately sound all that earth-shattering; but there's more to this piece than a walk in the woods. Neri Aracro is not just humming 'I Talk to the Trees'1, and thinking happy thoughts.

Thoughts, yes, and not necessarily *unhappy* thoughts; but there's a little more to it than that.

Catch the original quick, before it gets paired down and trimmed up! And don't be fooled by the twee title, this is CAC you know smiley - ...

Hemeloid Hell

by one of so many numbers, U205690

What *would* Mr McGoohan think of it all?

This one may not have met the writing guidelines, and yes, it's a rant; but it's a great read! Undoubtedly worth three minutes of your time if only to find out why 'Hemeloid' ain't the typo you think it is... smiley -

What's the worst thing about Hemel Hempstead? Believe it or not, it's not the Plough Roundabout. It's not the lack of anything. It's the fact it's so bloody hard to get out of in the morning.

And finally...

Continued gushing praise for Amy the smiley - ant, not just for the aforementioned shiny new CAC logo but also for that far out BIG RED FIRE ENGINE! smiley - cool

So, that's all for this week, folks.

Scouting the Guide for the good stuff, we'll continue to bring you CAC applauded entries in each issue of the h2g2POST. And we hope you'll join us!

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1Anyone who hasn't witnessed the spectacle of Clint Eastwood breaking into this sickly-sweet warble-fest whilst strolling through an idyllic sunlit copse would do well to check out Paint Your Wagon: with the added attraction of the inimitable Lee Marvin growling out the classic Born under a Wandrin' Star

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