2 Conversations

"A towel... is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitch hiker can have."
- Douglas Adams

The Terranic Army The Towel smiley - towel Regiment, Keepers of the most powerful and useful thing in the know universe, the Towel; Cleaned, folded and pressed by:

smiley - towel[smiley - starsmiley - star]Brigadeer Prexy (Excellent Fighter, and keeper of the Towels)smiley - starsmiley - earth
smiley - towel[smiley - star]Colonel Mystrunner(Weapons Trainer)

smiley - towel[smiley - earthsmiley - earth]Captain Zarquon's Singing Fish(Chief Negotiator)

smiley - towel[smiley - earthsmiley - earth]Captain Dr DoctorMO - MD(Base Doctor)smiley - planetsmiley - nurse
smiley - towel[smiley - moon]Sergeant Jedi Female Apprentice(Colletor of Towels)

smiley - towel[smiley - crescentmoon]Lance Corporal Quille
smiley - towel[smiley - crescentmoon]Private Snowy
smiley - towel[smiley - crescentmoon]Private Exzyla
smiley - towel[smiley - crescentmoon]Private Rabid Monkey
smiley - towel[smiley - crescentmoon]Private Tubaman(Band Leader)

The Officers Quarters

Come join in the drinking at The Green Towel Pub

This is our base, home of the Towelsmiley - towel regiment.Part of a fantasy landscape

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