The h2g2 Post 20.10.14

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 20th October 2014

What's That, Out of the Corner of Your Eye?

Halloween carving by Clive the Flying Ostrich. It's coming soon, that Halloween. Now, we know what you're thinking: it's just a commercial holiday invented by people who want to sell you candy, costumes, party favours, and really bad DVDs. Not so. Halloween is more noble than that. The holiday is a legitimate corruption of an ancient, honourable new year's celebration, turned into a gory, sugar-laden frightfest. Now, don't you feel better about the festivities?

Seriously, though – or as seriously as we get – Create still want more spooky stories from you. What else is all this carving of sacrificial vegetable matter good for? Put on your thinking skullcaps, and send us a scary tale, or a frightful pic. Some contributors have done just that this week. Check out Tavaron's castle and Freewayriding's yarn.

The usual suspects are back with insight, entertainment, and just plain wonder. Get a look at Willem's Blue Duiker. We melt when we see these delicate creatures.

Everybody's being adventurous these days: Florida Sailor went all the way across the Atlantic, to London. His series of impressions starts this week. We can't wait to find out how the Brits treated him. (Kindly, we're sure.)

Enjoy the news, views, and ghostly boos in this issue, have a chat or two, and remember: while you're picking out that pumpkin, think of the Post.

And have a spooky week!

Dmitri Gheorgheni

  • Blue Duiker by Willem
  • Going over Niagara Falls in a barrel.



  • A spooky book cover.
  • Aliens blowing up space balloons.

This material is not for the faint-hearted. You have been warned.
  • Halloween castle.
  • Bad Day at the Office

  • A hotel room.
  • Arachnophobia.

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