The h2g2 Post: 24.06.19

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 24th June 2019

Midsummer Slapstick Edition

Mrs Hoggett's rainbow

Look, look, look for the rainbow,
Far, far away from the funnel cloud...

As the songwriter did not say. But as the Post Editor said when Mrs Hoggett's rainbow photo arrived in the mailbox. This was a relief, because the night before, the tornado siren had gone off in town. They're proud of that tornado siren, which gives the Editor, who grew up during the duck-and-cover era, an attack of PTSD. A tornado did touch down in a small community some miles away. In a swirl-by attack, it uprooted trees, tore roof slates from a house built in 1824, destroyed a gazebo, and did miscellaneous other mischief. Fortunately, it then decided to go elsewhere, and left Hoggetts alone. Instead, Mrs H got this rainbow. We're grateful, and appreciate the beauty. Tornadoes are an encounter with nature too far.

Caiman Raptor Elk saw something much nicer than a tornado. Go and admire his photo, in brilliant colour.

Minorvogonpoet encountered some startling nature in France recently. She's still reeling from the tantalising discovery about…well, the flowers and the bees. We'll let her show and tell.

Willem, who's always encountering nature, has a lemur to show you. Go learn something. You'll be glad you did.

This month's challenge will soon be replaced by an even sillier one, but rest assured: you will continue to encounter nature. (It's harder to miss than those begging calls from the Democrats.) When you do, send us the photos. Anytime.

Now, onto other Urgent Business before this august assemblage:
I refer, of course, to the Pun Overproduction Crisis.
Last Week:

Core Team Member Who Shall Remain Nameless: 'That's a terrible joke in BB's comic.'

Post Editor: 'I warned you.'

CTMWSHRN: 'You did. But I couldn't imagine how bad it was!'

In view of the ongoing glut of puns in this magazine, the Editor has decided to capitulate to the madness. Therefore, this week, the Post will feature – along with even more excruciating puns by Bluebottle, Paigetheoracle, and others – the Post 'If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em' Quiz. Which will feature puzzles like this:
A pune

Enjoy, as Amy P says.

The Black-and-White Challenge continues unabated. In fact, instead of abating, it's taking over the Post. In addition to a fresh crop of arty photos to be analysed, critiqued, and discussed, there's a special entry devoted to the photos and altered images inspired by last week's challenge photos. I tell you, it's a veritable whirlwind of creativity around here. You are particularly going to enjoy the takeoffs on Cactuscafé's 'A Nice Scene from the Countryside', which range from the sublime to the ridiculous.

Does all this photography have you reaching for your camera or mobile? Please feel free to join in. Just set your photo device to black-and-white or 'greyscale', or greyscale your photo of choice on your computer. Not sure how? Drop us a line at the Post. We'll work something out. We're learning a lot about black-and-white photography here. Also about mashed potatoes.

There's more Stuff in here than I can describe. Awix will be by with cinema of the bewildering sort. I drone on about writing some more. Paulh says it isn't useless advice: it's stimulating the brain so as to help fight off senility in senior writers. Ah, I knew I was doing it for something.

Read, share, comment, send more Stuff. And have a great week!

Quote of the Week:
At three cents a word, every time I say 'Bang' in the story I get three cents. If you think I'm going to finish the gun battle while my hero still has fifteen cents' worth of unexploded ammunition in his gun, you're nuts.

Erle Stanley Gardner

Create June 2019 by Freewayriding
June Create Challenge:
Encounters with Nature

Dmitri Gheorgheni





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