Hooverville: The Plot Thickens at the Biker Club

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The Plot Thickens at the Biker Club

The Ballad of Ramblin' Rhodes by Freewayriding

Freewayriding's characters in the Hooverville Saga are embroiled in a biker gang epic, full of tense confrontations and wild living-on-the-edge…

Who are we kidding? These bikers are Politically Correct. They're also one of the reasons to read the Hooverville story. Here's an excerpt.

'So let me get this straight.' Old MacDonald looked up at Cuddles from her four-foot-ten height. 'This English 'moochy dude' arrives in our lovely town, drops in at this very clubhouse to have a beer and ask about an old photo?'

A tilt of the head both invited and forbade any dissent. 'So what do we, as a club - we, as a club trying to transform public perceptions of motorcycle riders - what do we do?'

'He did look pretty shady, Mac!' Cuddles blushed down at the Equalizer.

'Oh, that's cool then, 'pretty shady', that's fine! That justifies kidnapping and drugging a freaking Brit tourist! Great job!'


'Butt, Cuddles, was apparently what you were thinking with!'

'This will put us back years! Set public opinion against the 'Pirates, bring the Law down on us, not to mention the civil suit!'

She held a finger up to stifle any further comment.

'Let me think - alone - meeting adjourned! Oh, and Cuddles, get me a latte and an avocado toast!'

Cuddles was truly shocked - Mac hadn't even said please.
Freewayriding Archive


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