Factoid Fred Admires Tain Church from the Outside

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Factoid Fred Admires Tain Church from the Outside

Tain Church by Paigetheoracle

All the Editor could find out about Tain Church was that it was in the north somewhere. The weird Harry Potter Latin on the sign was puzzling until the internet revealed that 'nec tamen consumebatur' had nothing to do with shopping, and everything to do with a certain burning bush, and was the emblem motto of the Church of Scotland.

Further inquiries of Fred unleashed the following stream of factoids:

Tain rhymes with pain. How do you pronounce the Gaelic version? No idea. My wife keeps correcting my pronunciation of Loch (it's not lock!). No, I have never been in this particular church.

I think it was the centre of the Highland clearances, where the Duke of Sutherland1 kicked out all the tenants on his land, to replace them with sheep. The RAF has a firing range on the outskirts of the town2.

There is also a pottery on the road coming into Tain, which is an offshoot of Anta, a more famous pottery. The Morangie distillery is also on the outskirts but in the opposite direction.

Factoid Fred
Tain Church by PaigetheoracleTain Church by PaigetheoracleTain Church by Paigetheoracle
Paigetheoracle Archive


25.11.19 Front Page

Back Issue Page

1There is a statue to the Duke on a hill overlooking the town of Golspie, which famously has been the centre of attempts to knock it down or blow it up.2Ed. Note:What if the RAF accidentally bombed the statue of the Duke of Sutherland? It doesn't bear thinking about.

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