The h2g2 Post: 11.05.20

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 11th May 2020

Sunlight and Sadness

Daffodils by DG
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

John Donne

We wash our hands, and complain about dry skin. We disinfect our deliveries, and sigh over the things we miss: outings in the park, sport events, family visits, even, heaven help us, the Eurovision Song Contest. We joke about what we're doing that we wouldn't be doing if it weren't for the 'emergency'. We make do, and make light. We make face masks out of dinosaur prints.

All the while, fellow humans are dying. As I write this, it's almost 250,000 worldwide. So far, more US people have died from this virus than died in the Vietnam War. It's serious, and we know it is. But, since the only things we can do are to stay home, follow safe practices, and try to lift each other's spirits, then that is what we try to do.

That's where this ezine comes in. I want to thank all the contributors this week for their stellar efforts. We're thoughtful, we're funny, and our photography is amazing, beautiful, and unusual. Please read, make (relevant, please) comments, and share with anyone you know who might need to see this Stuff.

On with the show:
Bumblebee on Flower by DG
  • The black-and-white photographers are at it again. They will make you see things differently.
  • Nature is exuberant these days: flowers spring up in Europe, North America, South Africa…come feast your eyes. No alligators this week, though there is a crocodile, sort of. We do offer bunnies. Bunnies in Pennsylvania, and a bunny in France. They're everywhere, those rascals.
  • Jokes happen. Stories are told. Video vids. Awix sees a movie. I don't (aren't you glad?), but I'm writing scripts…
  • Ben Moore is back! Say hi to him, and find out how he's faring during the pandemic.
  • Guess the quiz, caption the photo, think of something for Create. Help Willem with his fantasy story.
  • Find out what Freewayriding had for dinner. What we want to know is, when will he and the missus open their restaurant? We want a reservation.

Stay safe, friends. Point cameras. Tell us your thoughts. You know where to find us. And have a good week!

PS Remember, 25 May is Towel Day, and most of us will be spending it at home. Send your towel photos to the Post to celebrate. (If you wear the lilac, include that, too!)

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Carrot Cake

Quote of the Week:
How many carrots can kill you?

Every carrot you eat brings you nearer to death. Nearly all sick people have eaten carrots. An estimated 99.9 per cent of all people who die from cancer and heart disease have eaten carrots. 99.9 per cent of people involved in car accidents ate carrots within 60 days of their accidents.

The Internet

Create May 2020 by Freewayriding
May Create Challenge:
If I Could
Share Your Thoughts

Dmitri Gheorgheni

Carrion Flowers

Edithcolea grandis by Willem




Hand Shadows by DG


Barrels of Fun
Barrels of Fun (Whiskey Barrels) by Paigetheoracle

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