The h2g2 Post 19.04.21

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 19th April 2021

That Inward Eye…

Yellow and orange daffodils by DG.

…which is the bliss of solitude.

Wordsworth had it right, sort of. Looking at nature pictures is very good for the 'inward eye'. What's good for the outward eye is going out and looking at nature in the wild, so do that when you can. What's even better for h2g2 is going out and looking at nature in the wild, and taking photographs to send to the h2g2 Post. So do that, too.

This week, our contributors have outdone themselves. There's stellar photography. I mean that in the sense of 'the photographs are really good'. Nobody took any pictures of stars, except for FWR. That big yellow thing you see on the horizon is, in fact, a star. The rest of us took pictures of birdies and blooms and such.

Here's a quick preview:
  • Willem wows again with the African landscape. And a manatee.
  • Tavaron shares a bird that lives at her house, and a rare and interesting flower.
  • Paigetheoracle takes us on a virtual trip. By now, you've noticed that our correspondent from northern Scotland has his own peculiar interest. Emphasis on peculiar. So you get another gaping hole in the hillside, some more frogspawn, a picturesque village, and something that isn't what it looks like. Oh, and a technology rant that was timely and made the Editor laugh.
  • FWR and I have waxed poetical. His is better. Mine's about dandelions.
  • Videos are meteorological. Sasha celebrates water. I skywatch. We're trying to help you meditate and develop that 'inward eye', so appreciate.
  • The usual suspects are back with humour, fantastical art, and snark opportunities. The most Unusual Suspect, our Awix, marks his landmark...drumroll, please...700th film review with an epic blockbuster. Find out why Godzilla Vs Kong is, -see movie viewing.

We'll be back next week with more Stuff. (Send more Stuff!) May your days be filled with sunshine and daffodils and bunnies, and whatever else the springtime heart can desire.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

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Quotes of the Week (from Pittsburgh Twitter): First a bear in Mt Washington now a snake in Frick Park?! To the Individuals playing Jumanji in Pittsburgh, please finish the game ASAP
I’m sick of these constant bear attacks...let the bears pay the bear tax...Get the bear on one count being a bear and one count accessory to being a bear.

Tom Grimm

Create April 2021 by Freewayriding
April 2021 Create Challenge:
Can't See the
Wood (Forest) for the Trees

Video Extra: Spring Daffodils

The Dandelions (Poem)

Golden Dandelions by DG



Obligatory Cat

Clever cat on roof operating a door knocker.


Tech? No!
TJ as a kitten, sleeping by the computer, by DG.

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