Philosophical Phrases 2

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The H2G2 Philosophers Guildcould put something witty here, which would be the point... but I wont.
Trying to answer all those questions about life

smiley - steamThe H2G2 Philosophers Guild

From the Hallowed Halls of The H2G2 Philosophers Guild,

we are proud to bring you, this weeks Philosophical

Phrases which stir questions to which you may never know the answer.

This weeks phrases are brought to you by: Skenvoy

  1. Those who look back at the past are fools,
    because they will always wonder how things would have been if they done something differently.

    Those who look to the future are fools, for they will only fill their lives with fear of what will happen tomorrow.

    Those who are truly wise look to the present, as they will then make sure they have no need to look back into the past and they will make sure that they will always be shaping their path for the future.

  2. To be forgotten is worse than death. One of my many...

  3. If information is knowledge and knowledge is power then information is power.

    However we are all taught that with power comes great responsibility.

    Therefore if you gain information which is a secret or being kept quiet it is your responsibility to keep it so,

    Or you can use information rashly holding your power over others or you can use it wisely and use it when you have to.

    The latter of the two is best whatever it may seem as more people will trust you if you don't tell everyone what you know.

If this has caused you to ponder,

or you have some philosophy of your own,

pop over to the h2g2 Philosopher guild

and tell us about it.

Written and researched by:
Z Phantomsmiley - ghost

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