The office of the Grand Admiralty

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Upon entering the chamber, you find yourself along the circular wall of a dimmly lit room. The lighting flows from thirteen wall sconches and thirteen sets of three computer screens set around a dark polished wood table in the center of the room.

As you walk towards the table you find yourself on a soft Persian rug, it covers all of the floor but for the thirteen ring transporters.

Dominating the center of the toom is a circular table made of polished dark wood. Set into the center of the table is a holo-projector. At equi-distant point around the table's edge are areas cut out and filled with a black high-backed leather chair, a comm screen, and a comuter terminal and a view screen, all of it the latest and shiniest technology that the vast United Intergalactic Imperium can offer. Behind each of the 13 chairs is a ring transporter, the Grand Admirals can transport into and out of the Admiralty chamber at their conveniance.

Here is where the future of the Empire is discussed among the twelve Grand Admirals and and the Emperor.

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